"Like, it’s only a day gig, man!"
Just diggin'
the scene
Message from Bertrand Woolings, Bangkok, January 8, 2005
Dear Mr. Blackstone,
The American State Department
official, Ralph Leo ("Skip") Boyce, assumed the post of American Ambassador to Thailand, at the American Embassy
in Bangkok on Monday, January 3, 2005.
I was in Thailand at the
time of the incident that you related in your article. I remember it well. It shocked and disgusted the American community.
Boyce's appointment
is a perverse gesture of definace by the many degenerates - especially homosexuals, pedophiles
and prostitutes - who seem to have the run of the State Department, and Washington, D. C., in general.
It is a shame that Thailand
has allowed Boyce on Thai soil. This is a clear signal that Thailand remains a country where perverts of every
description are free do as they wish and, what is far worse, that they can expect the help of Thai officials to
do it.
Bertram Woolings
Would you buy a used car from a State Department employee?
"Did you say they have diplomatic immunity?"
Alexis Hart, Bangkok, January 13, 2005
Regarding Ralph Boyce:
I too heard of the matter that Mr. Blackstone wrote about, when
it happened in Thailand, almost ten years ago.
There are occasional scandals at the American
embassy in Bangkok that the general public in Thailand
reads or hears about. Usually, these scandals concern the issuance of visas to unqualified Thais; or the denial of visas to
Thais who qualify for them; or long, undue and unexplained delays in the issuance of new passports to Americans and other
delayed legal paper work.
But there is scandalous conduct at the American embassy in Bangkok that the public does not read about and may not hear about. These scandals concern
embassy personnel who are caught smuggling stolen antiquities, pornography and drugs; pimping; whoring; trafficking in men,
women and children; pursuing homosexual affairs; pedophilia; shoplifting; stealing jewelry; running up and skipping out on
bills; charging vast sums of money for personal expenses to State Department accounts; stealing money from charge card accounts
of visiting American tourists or expatriates; spying for other countries, usually by selling classified documents to unauthorized
persons; conspiring with local cops and lawyers to arrest American expatriates and tourists on false charges and extort money
from them; conspiring to murder local American expatriates and tourists; conspiring to cover up suspicious circumstances of
the deaths of Americans, and more.
What the general public has noticed over the years is that mission and consular
staff have grown increasingly corrupt and unreliable. Embassy personnel are also less educated today than before. Many of
them cannot write a decent sentence. Many cannot put two intelligible words together when speaking.
Like Ralph Boyce,
the last three American ambassadors to Thailand
- Ito, Richard Hecklinger, Darryl Johnson - were very mediocre civil servants, desk-jobbers who drifted up the ranks of the
civil service and paid for ambassadorships toward the end of their careers. They could not be relied upon in emergencies.
They caused problems for others, sometimes deliberately.
The incident that Mr. Blackstone described was a deliberate
conspiracy by American, Belgian and Thai pedophiles in Bangkok, Pattaya and Belgium to pervert an innocent child and thwart rescue attempts.
The officials concerned believed they could get away with it because they had diplomatic immunity.
Lex Hart Bangkok Email: ldh776@hotmail.com
Or sell your house to one?
from Fred Womack, Bangkok, September 20, 2005
Every year, there are more
homosexuals, prostitutes and pedophiles in the U. S. government. They are especially in the State Department. They always
have been. If there are homos in the government, the first place one would expect to find them would be in the State Department.
Bangkok has always been a
posting that homosexuals and pedophiles in the State Department sought because the native population has an extremely high
rate of homosexuality, pedophilia and prostitution.
Sexual deviants are not normal
people and they should not be trusted with consular affairs or affairs of state.
Years ago, it was possible
to keep the number
of sexual deviants posted
to an embassy down. Today, that is no longer possible. And it is going to get worse.
"Sooner or later, Mr Fowler, one
has to take sides if one is to remain human."
Comment from Henry Franklin, April 21, 2005:
I was irked by a remark by the current American ambassador
to Thailand, Ralph Leo ("Skip") Boyce, Jr., about the Thai government's reluctance to criticize the oppressive Burmese junta,
in one of Bangkok's English-language daily newspapers, The Nation, on April 22.
Asked it the American government should pressure the Thai
government to stop acquiescing to the Burmese junta, Boyce replied that the matter of Thailand's response to the junta was
entirely it's own business.
Boyce's remark was inappropriate and, in fact, out of line.
Washington has repeatedly criticized the Burmese junta and recently expressed its annoyance at Thailand's unyielding support
of the junta.
A former American Ambassador to Thailand, William A. Brown,
repeatedly made clear his opposition to the junta and its human rights abuses, long before Washington had anything to say.
He never deferred to the Thais, as Boyce does.
It appears that Boyce would like an easy time of it. If he
can't take the heat, he should go home. He could at least read the newspapers.
Henry Franklin, Bangkok
Ed.: The above appeared also as a letter to the editors
in The Nation in slightly edited form.
Ed.: Willam Andreus Brown was American ambassador to Thailand
from 1985 to 1988. In a lecture at a seminar on Burma in Thailand in the mid-1990s, when Thai government leaders were reluctant
to criticize the Burmese military dictatorship, Brown spoke out against the Burmese junta and backed the democratic forces
in Burma.
Just another foreign
service employee with a speech impediment
A Comment from Paul T. Donetz of Mae Hong Son, Thailand,
September 20, 2005:
There is great and growing universal concern about the long
collaboration of Thai government officials with the oppressive Burmese military dictatorship against the democracy movement
in Burma.
I should like to point out, in respect to the comment of
Henry Franklin about a remark by the current American ambassdor to Thailand, Ralph Boyce, jr., to a Bangkok
daily newspaper, The Nation, about Thailand's conduct toward Burma, that Boyce made a similar remark to a newspaper
published in Thailand by exiles from Burma, The Irrawaddy, on February 10, 2005.
The Irrawaddy recalled that the U. S. had "clamped
economic and political sanctions (against Burma) because of Rangoon’s poor human rights record and apparent reluctance
to relax its military dictatorship".
According to The Irrawaddy, Boyce "made it clear
that he was in no position to comment on US relations with Burma."
It's like saying "No comment"
It would have been more appropriate thing to answer the
question properly, as required and expected. Instead, he ran away from the matter.
Paul T. Donetz, Mae Hong Son, Thailand
stooge, errand
boy or beggar?
A visitor's
comment from Victor Dennison of Bangkok, November 1, 2005:
It seems that the current American ambassador to Thailand,
Ralph Leo Boyce, jr., is in the pay of the Burmese junta. Either that or he hopes Rangoon will be his next posting
and fears ruffling the generals' feathers. It is possible, too, that Boyce expects the Burmese democracy forces
to bribe him to fall into line behind his bosses in Washington, D. C., who already support the democracy movement in
Victor Dennison
Chiang Mai
Thaksin sucks!
Comment by William T. Harrington, Bangkok, January
23, 2006
It is possible also that Ralph Boyce, the current
American ambassador to Thailand, is taking his cue from the Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, and Thai Foreign Minister,
Surakiart Sathirathai, who are both puppets of the oppressive Burmese junta and oppose the Burmese democracy movement.
"Psst! Hey, kid! Wanna see some dirty pictures?"
Thais denounce Boyce
A comment from Jonathon Vassasame in Bangkok, September 1, 2006:
Washington D. C.’s
recall of the current American ambassador to Thailand, Ralph Leo (Skip) Boyce junior, is long overdue.
In flagrant violation of
State Department regulations, Boyce is now lobbying the Thai government on behalf of American alcohol and tobacco business
See the following
articles for details:
"US envoy under fire
after meeting with Phinij (Thai Public Health minister) - Ambassador supports 'alcohol tobacco firms'", Bangkok
Post, August 26, 2006, (Boyce is described as "totally despicable and immoral") (Commentary on the website):
(scroll down a quarter
of the page to find the article);
body slams Boyce action", The Nation, August 26, 2006 (Curiously, The
Nation did not mention the alcohol industry):
"Thai anti-tobacco groups
slam US ambassador", Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), Aug 25, 2006 (This article contained more details than the Bangkok
Post and The Nation:
Boyce clearly values the
bribes he collects from American producers and distributors of alcohol and tobacco more than the reputation of the
diplomatic mission and the country he represents. If Boyce and the private businesses that bought him have their way the nation’s
youths will be wasting their money and smoking and drinking themselves to death.
Thailand should rid itself
of this pervert who conspires with traffickers in women and children to procure children to pedophile and prostitution rings
abroad. Thailand should rid itself of this obnoxious crook who condones and encourages Thai government officials’ support
of the Burmese military dictatorship.
Thailand must protest Boyce's
shameful behavior in the strongest terms and demand his immediate replacement.
Jonathon Vassasame
Ed: For more articles on this subject, see:
Asia Times (Online), Southeast Asia (section),
September 7, 2006;
ASIA HAND (column): "Stand up to Uncle Bully" By
Shawn W Crispin,
If unable to access the above websites, click here:
News and Opinion Blackout over Incident
A comment by John Apweil, Bangkok, September 2, 2006
Why hasn’t the Thai press followed up on the Boyce fiasco?
For years, parents and doctors in Thailand
pushed for a reduction of advertising of tobacco and alcohol. Earlier this year, Thailand’s
most popular politician, General Chamlong Srimuang (“Mr. Clean”), led large angry protests against the planned
listing of Thailand biggest brewery on
the Thai stock exchange and succeeded in blocking it. Earlier this year, all convenience stores were compelled to remove cigarette
packs and cartons from public view.
But on August 24, the American ambassador to Thailand, Ralph Boyce, lobbied the Thai Minister of Public
Health with representatives of the American alcohol and tobacco industries.
Boyce’s conduct was in open violation of State Department
regulations and Boyce drew immediate criticism from the Health Promotion Institute. Indeed, Boyce’s behavior was inexcusable.
Further, since Boyce was to chair Free Trade Association (FTA) talks, which are on hold until there is a new government, there
is sufficient cause for his recall by Washington, D. C.
Articles about Boyce’s conduct appeared in the Bangkok
Post and The Nation on August 25. There appeared also a Deutsche Press Agentur article, which contained
much more detail. A local website, Critics and Monsters, posted a comment about the matter with the Post article.
In its article, The Nation mentioned only the tobacco
industry. It omitted mention of the American alcohol industry.
Curiously, ThaiDay, a daily English-language newspaper distributed
nation-wide within the International Herald Tribune, failed to mention the matter entirely. ThaiDay is published
by Sondhi Limthongkul, the local journalist and publisher
who has spearheaded the popular year-long campaign to force the present Thai prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, from power.
There were no editorials or opinion columns in the English-language
dailies. No letters appeared, although some of my friends wrote to the editors.
There has been no official comment about Boyce’s
misconduct by the American embassy in Bangkok or the State
Department or Bush administration in Washington, D. C.
Many suspect that the editors and publishers of ThaiDay,
the Bangkok Post and The Nation were bribed to drop the Boyce matter or warned by the American embassy in Bangkok that visas to the United States
would be denied or revoked if they pursued it. Indeed, the embassy frequently asks the local press to publish an article,
to the embassy’s specification, or to drop a matter.
Also, alcohol and tobacco industries pay for considerable
advertising in the Thai media. This might account for the press’s failure to follow up.
John Apweil
Philip Morris is up your hole!
Boyce is unfit to chair FTA talks
A comment by Jacques Best, New York, N. Y., September 6, 2006:
As Free Trade Association (FTA) negotiations
between Thailand
and the United States got under way in Bangkok
earlier this year, Thais complained about the secrecy in which the negotiations were being conducted and protested that most
Thais were being kept in the dark.
The American ambassador, Ralph Leo Boyce junior,
who was chairman of the FTA negotiations, argued that to disclose details of the negotiations could arouse the public
and subject the negotiators to pressure that would hinder their work.
By lobbying the Thai government with American
alcohol and tobacco businesses against State Department regulations recently, Boyce displayed unscrupulous and duplicitous
behavior and demonstrated his untrustworthiness as chairman of FTA negotiations. Given Boyce’s recent
misconduct, Thais have all the more reason to demand full openness in FTA negotiations and, indeed, Boyce's recall by Washington,
D. C.
Jacques Best New
In the
end, Good triumphed over Evil
Alcohol advertising
ban in Thailand goes into effect on December 5, 2006
A comment by Visith Onta-in, Bangkok, October 14, 2006:
As of December 5,
the King's birthday, advertising alcohol will be banned in Thailand. In other words, it will be illegal to advertise alcohol.
There is already a ban on advertising cigarettes.
Last August, the American
ambassador to Thailand, Ralph Boyce, led a group of lobbyists from leading American alcohol and tobacco interests to
the Thai Minister of Health in the hope of getting the bans abandoned, lifted or cut back to allow them to advertise their
products in Thailand.
Boyce's conduct violated
the State Department 's regulations of conduct. Given his responsibilities as American negotiator in Free Trade Association
(FTA) talks with Thailand, this was a particularly serious violation.
Boyce will be unable
to offer any reasonable rational for his conduct to his superiors in Washington, D. C., and he should be recalled. He
should be dismissed from the foreign service and subject to other disciplinary measures.
U. S. Congressmen Call for Investigation of
A comment by Carl
Kremer, Washington, D. C., December 15, 2006:
It was in Thailand's biggest English-language
daily newspaper, the Bangkok Post, this morning, December 15, 2006:
The American ambassador to
Thailand, Ralph Leo ("Skip") Boyce junior, is to be taken to task by the US Congress.
Boyce is to be investigated for his role in lobbying
the Thai government for American alcohol and tobacco
business interests last August. Boyce and the companies wanted the Thai government to reduce bans on
advertising of alcohol and tobacco.
According to the Bangkok
Post: "Two US congressmen have asked for an inquiry into US ambassador Ralph Boyce for possible violation of an amendment
prohibiting US officials from promoting the sale of tobacco products . . . The congressmen questioned
Mr Boyce's coordinating of a meeting of US industry representatives, including that of Philip Morris, with Health Minister
Phinij Jarusombat in August . . . the meeting was to protest advertising restrictions on cigarettes . . . the US congressmen
expressed concern that it may have ''contravened'' the Doggett Amendment, which prohibits key government agencies from promoting
the sale of tobacco products overseas, or working to reduce other countries' non-discriminatory tobacco control regulations."
Of course, Boyce was caught red-handed. But he
probably thinks he can pay his way out of it.
The Nation, Thailand's second
largest English-language daily newspaper, did not run a story about the Boyce affair today. Note that its reporting of the scandal thus far has been limited.
Friends and relatives of the Thai
child who was trafficked to a pedophile ring in Belgium by American embassy personnel should press congressmen
to take Boyce to task for his role in that affair too.
note: Two articles about the Boyce scandal appeared in the Bangkok Post, on December 15 and 16, 2006 (see below). The Nation did
not publish anything.
Calls for probe into US-Thai
tobacco meet
Bangkok Post, December 15, 2006
Boyce not queried by DC yet
Bangkok Post, December 16, 2006
Envoy's appraisal
of climate for investment must be taken in context of his past actions, The
Nation, Letters, April 2, 2007:
For discussion of the above, which was dceleted by the editors of The
Nation after several days, see:
If the above websites to do work, go to:
treated Thailand like a Banana Republic
A Comment from Frank
Rolf, Thailand,
January 15, 2008:
At last, after three long,
unpleasant years, Thailand
is free of a big nuisance. Ralph Leo ("Skip") Boyce Junior's tour as American Ambassador to Thailand ended with the old year.
Before he was ambassador, Boyce, as Chief of Mission in Bangkok in the mid-1990s, conspired withCentral
Intelligence Agency (C. I. A.)
operatives at the embassy in an international pedophile and prostitution ring.
Later, Boyce, as ambassador,
pressured the Thai government to remove or reduce bans on advertising of alcohol and tobacco products.
Boyce tried
also to get the Thai government to stop the local production of desperately needed American AIDs drugs without license.
Boyce failed, he blamed the Thai junta and lack of democracy in the country.
While Washington, D. C., condemned the oppressive Burmese
military dictatorship, Boyce, alone among foreign envoys in Thailand, refused to criticize the Burmese generals; instead he ducked questions,
gave meaningless answers and deferred lamely to the Thai government, which backed the Burmese dictatorship, as if he
were in the pay of the Burmese generals or expected his next posting to be Burma. (Now, he is planting
more meaningless remarks about Burma in U. S.-funded overseas press orgs, as if he thought he could fool anyone.)
Thailand should declare Boyce persona non grata. Otherwise, he will return as a lobbyist for Phillip Morris or Abbott Labs.
At least, now that Boyce is
gone, we won't have his cornball jazz band concerts, which, by the way, were paid for with State Department
do a brisk business.
A note from Jackson
Thompson of Peking, May 20, 2009:
Read the article "Studies point
to big firms' dirty tactics," in the Bangkok Post, December 24, 2008:
(I'm sorry, but I tried very hard and could only get it on an internet porn site. Anyway, you see the article.)
A lot more could be said,
like how companies like Philip Morris bribed Ralph Boyce.
Jackson Thompson, Peking
conduct a flagrant violation of UN treaty banning tobacco advertising
Was he threatened with dismissal from
the diplomatic corps?
A message from Antoni Liguri, Geneva,
Switzerland, July 23, 2008:
All 195 member nations of the United
Nations' World Heath Organization (WHO) signed the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC) requiring severe restrictions
on all forms of tobacco advertising. The treaty took effect in 2005.
Ralph Boyce, American Ambassador to
Thailand, lobbied the Thai government to allow American alcohol and
tobacco companies to advertise their products after Thailand
had signed the treaty. This was deliberate act of misconduct by Boyce.
In response to complaints about Boyce's
misconduct, the State Department in Washington, D. C. eventually announced that Boyce's conduct would be reviewed
but nothing more was ever said. However, Boyce left the Foreign Service after his tour of duty in Thailand and before reaching the mandatory age of retirement.
It is possible that Boyce was
left no choice but to leave the diplomatic corps after a review of his conduct by the State Department.
Boyce was let go
"Can I keep the condo in Pattaya?"
A message from V. Krasinski in Washington, D. C., January 27, 2010
Boyce was let go by the State Department.
There were too many complaints about Boyce during his tour as ambassador to Thailand. He used the position purely for personal financial gain. There was evidence
that he was working for a criminal underworld network or an industrial espionage ring. So, before he left Thailand at the end of his tour he was informed by the State Department in Washington,
D. C. that he was "under investigation" and could not receive another posting.
Boyce got his job for Boeing in Singapore
through contacts. What he is doing there should be of concern to the Justice Department.
V. Krasinski
Washington, D. C.
Parents must remain
The spector
of Boyce
Another nail in the coffin
"US liquor,
tobacco firms out", Bangkok Post, October 29, 2010:
Thailand has adopted the World Health Organisation's Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control as a basis for its strict anti-tobacco policies.
The FCTC requires restrictions on all forms of tobacco
advertising, trade, sponsorship and promotion. It also calls for measures to protect the public from tobacco smoke, taxation
on tobacco, pictorial health warnings on packaging and an end to duty-free tobacco sales.
Ban on advertising now almost total
A comment by Jock McIntyre, Melbourne, Australia, November 1, 2014
Today, 85% of every cigarette pack sold in Thaland is covered with health warnings.
This is not unique. Throughout the world, it is the same. But in some countires it is less than 85%. It has been a long, slow
process. The Thai government wants the entire pack covered with warnings and, rest assured, that will be done eventually.
Just think back to the 1960s when you could smoke a cigarette anywhere - petrol
station, library, movie theatre, airplane.
Look at photos of college classrooms in the 1940s and you see the students smoking pipes and cigarettes.
In the 1960s you could smoke anywhere on an airplane. Even after the cause of numerous fatal plane crashes
was attributed to smoking on-board, it took years for the airlines to limit smoking on planes. First, no smoking
during take-offs and landings and excessive turbulence. Then, much later, no smoking in your seat or in the totilets was permitted. You could only smoke, standing, in
the back of the plane. But it took many years to ban smoking on planes altogether.
to raise smoking age to 20
12, 2016
The age of
majority in Thaiand is eighteen.
ti the Bangkok Post today the Thai
parliament has
decided that tobacco should not be sold to anyone under twenty. The matter is to be considered in more detail.
See: http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1133157/nla-raises-legal-age-for-tobacco-to-20
Hard up,
I guess
Why did the Boeing Co. choose
Boyce to head its regional operations?
Click here for the news,
A message from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, July 23, 2008:
How did Boyce get to
Boeing? What is he doing there?
Wierd people in the company?
A comment by Juan Tomas, Bangkok, February 13, 2008:
Indeed, why did the Boeing Company hire
Ralph L. Boyce Jr. to head its regional operations, based in Singapore?
Boyce is not a space or aviation expert. And he made himself unpopular in Thailand
while he was ambassador.
Going against the grain
A message from Thomas Antonius, Singapore,
August 16, 2008
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently
praised Thailand for its efforts to curb
drinking and smoking, especially among youths, through its imposition of government bans on advertising of alcohol and
tobacco products.
However, Thailand
is simply falling in line behind many other countries, especially in Europe, in banning
advertising of alcohol and tobacco products.
Ralph Boyce must rate as the one of worst
American ambassadors to Thailand in the
history of American and Thai diplomatic relations.
Naturally, one must question why Boeing
would hire Boyce as its representative in Singapore.
bans sale of alcohol within 300 metres of schools
message from Nicholas Riss, Bangkok, July 17, 2015
has officially banned the sale of alcohol within 300 metres of schools. That means stores close to schools can no longer sell
alcohol after early August 2015. Stores near schools must clear their shelves of all alcohol. The ban does not apply to hotels
and entertainment zones.
current legal drinking age in Thailand is 20.
Idiots, dumb hics and little shits can make quite an
impression on the natives
A comment by David Woolding, Newark,
N. J., February 20, 2008:
What is Ralph Boyce doing in the position of president of the
Boeing Company’s regional operations division in Singapore?
Relax! It's just a public relations post.
And he won’t be winning any hearts and minds.
Check it out!
About Boyce . . . . Do you think Nazis in the CIA could have gotten the job at Boeing
for him?
John Hastings, London, U. K., March 3, 2008
KGB more likely
A message
from Donald Wims, Miami, Florida, January
31, 2011
Do you mean the
Army Counter-Interlligence Corps (C. I. C.}?
I didn't know
they were still around.
It would be worth
checking to see if any of the State Department officials mentioned on this website, or their parents and grandparents, had
any involvement with C. I. C. in post-war Germany or Asia.
After the war,
in the late 1940s and early 1950s, many with the Axis war criminals bought out of jail. Some even bought positions with
the U. S. government. Usually, they used cold hard cash. Some lent their "expertise". But sometimes prostitution and
pedophilia were offered.
Boyce and his pals using Boeing as cover
"Has this been on the TV shows 'Cold Case Files' or 'Investigative Reports'?"
late July or early August 2010, Lycos/Tripod blocked this website.
Initially Lycos claimed that the website "violated terms of service".
When asked for details, Lycos replied that the site contained remarks considered defamatory toward a "company".
Eventually, Lycos said that the "company" concerned was Boeing.
However, when asked which remarks on the site defamed Boeing, Lycos pointed to the comment that four current or former
State Department employees worked with organized underworld criminal networks like the Sicilian-American Mafia and Chinese
Triads to traffic women and children to the U. S. and other countries for prostitution and illicit labor.
Only one of the four persons named in the website's comment referred to by Lycos, Ralph Leo (“Skip”)
Boyce Junior, was employed by Boeing. The three others named were Christopher Richard, Thomas P. Furey and Paul O. Mayer.
The State Department claims Richard is still in its employ. Furey seems to have left the civil service. Mayer is currently
U. S. consul in Montreal.
It is doubtful that Boeing would authorize an employee to use the company’s name to back his denial of ties
to organized crime or back his defense of other former State Department employees who have no ties to Boeing.
Lycos was assured that there was considerable evidence that all four were involved in organized crime.
- Webmaster
Congress should investigate Boeing-Boyce link
A mesaage from Randall Merryman, Honolulu, January 12, 2011
S. Congress should investigate Boyce again.
forced Boyce's ouster from the State Department. Now they should force his ouster from Boeing.
fact, there is talk in Washington, D. C., of summoning Boyce to Washington to answer questions about his employment by Boeing
in Singapore.
farting above his ass
most likely behind site blockage.
A comment by
Fred Clay, Duluth, Minnesota, October 6, 2010
In the past ten years, Boyce was behind the blockage,
removal or deletion of numerous critical blogs, websites and letters to the editors and articles printed in big city
newspapers that appeared on the Internet.
So, I think it is safe to say
that it was Ralph Boyce, waving Boeing credentials, who was behind the recent blockage
of this site.
And some stupid people at Lycos who listened to him.
Smoking on planes
message from Felipe Martinez, Manila, April 10, 2013
you think it's true that Boyce and his pals are trying to get lawmakers to scrap the smoking ban on airplanes?
would be a shame. It took decades to get a full ban on smoking on board planes.
Openly Gay in the city
Is his pen name Jeff Gannon?
Boyce is still around
Message from Terry J. North, Bangkok, December
10, 2011:
Just thought I'd let you know. Ralph Boyce is
still around. Hangs out at Jim Thompson House in Bangkok.
He just wrote
a book about the O. S. S. in Siam after WW2.
Do you think the Council on Foreign Relations is all that those Third World Americans
say it is?
message from Joe Blad in Manila, August 20, 2012
read Jerry North's comment about Ralph Boyce. But Boyce has not written any books. And nothing about the OSS has come
out recently. So, what is North talking about?
was a book about Jim Thompson last year. It was by one of Boyce's friends, a photographer. It read like an English-to-English
machine translation of the only other book that was written about Jim Thompson decades ago.
Thailand is a sick place. Weirdos publishing
biographies about famous deceased persons, stealing material from others . . .
Some stay in Thailand too long
An email message from T. C. Moleston, Hamilton, Bermuda, November 16, 2012
I never expected to read about Jim Thompson
on such a website.
It's because of a little ass-hole in the Foreign
Thompson fought with the French Resistance.
That's all anyone needs to know. Who the hell cares what he did after the war?
But the two books about him don't say much
about the war.
And they give the impression that after the
war he was the Ugly American and all his visitors petty civil servants and junketeers from the US government.
he was another expert on terrorism
from Elmer Lipton, Riverside, California, April 11, 2013
What is Ralph Boyce doing at Jim Thompson
Boyce was behind the recent book on Thompson
and he wanted something for it. Boyce is trying to impress the American upper class and high Thai society with his cute lower
class manners and tastes.
The book about Thompson wasn’t any good.
It was meant to be publicity for Boyce.
Get No Worse"
Message from Troy Monath, Calais,
Maine, June 2, 2013
Boyce was without doubt the worst American
ambassador Thailand ever had. The record
speaks for itself.
And Boyce was also the most corrupt and most
obnoxious American ambassador the Thais ever saw.
But he was a little shit.
If anyone can recall a worse ambassador, let
me know.
Just the tip of the iceberg
Other American Embassy officials complicit
Between the time
that Ralph Boyce was charge d'affaires and chief of mission in 1995 and ambassador in 2005, there were three ambassadors:
William H. Itoh,
Richard E. Hecklinger
Darryl N. Johnson
H. Itoh
Who was William H. Itoh? Anybody know?

William H. Itoh |
Name: William H. Itoh State of
Residency: New Mexico Title: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Appointment:
Dec 19, 1995 Presentation of Credentials: February 20, 1996 Termination of Mission:
Left post February 1, 1999
William H. Itoh
to you! So sorry! No can do!"
A message from Ned
Mertz, Bangkok, October 30, 2010
Itoh was the only U. S.
ambassador of the four involved in a particular case mentioned on this site to respond by mail to requests to alert
Belgian and Thai authorities of the fate of a Thai child kidnapped and trafficked by a Belgian and Thai pedophile ring with
the complicity of American embassy staff.
But Itoh did nothing.
E. Hecklinger

Richard E. Hecklinger |
Richard E. Hecklinger
Name: Richard E. Hecklinger State
of Residency: Virginia Title: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Appointment:
December 1, 1998 Presentation of Credentials: March 9, 1999 Termination of Mission:
Left post December 21, 2001
Some believe Hecklinger was a C. I. A. Operative . . .
There is documentarty evidence that he was.
But some think
that would be crediting him with much. But these days, you know, anybody . . .
A comment by Name Withheld, January 30, 2007
I can confirm that the former
American ambassador to Thailand, Richard E. Hecklinger, is an operative of the U. S. Central Intellligence Agency. He signed
up when a student with the understanding that the CIA would pave the way for him in a career in public service.
Hecklinger is presently
one of numerous deputy secretaries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which is headquartered
in Paris, France.
"I don' know
Hecklinger colluded
in the obstruction of child recovery efforts and the intimidation of witnesses
A comment by
Name Withheld Upon Request, January 31, 2007:
Richard E. Hecklinger was
American ambassador to Thailand from 1997 to 2001. During that time he conspired with consular officials complicit in
the traffic in women and children for prostitution and pedophilia to cover up the Christopher Richard and Thomas Patrick Furey
affairs, to obstruct child recovery efforts, and to obstuct complainants. He conspired with Thai officials who are notorious
in the traffic in women and children.
The embassy in Bangkok trafficked
hundreds of women to the United States to work as prostitutes and in work camps. Many children were also sent.
In other words, was he a pervert on the loose?
Or did he do what he did for a pedophile ring under instructions from his handlers in the CIA?
A comment by Name Withheld Upon Request, April 11, 2008:
It might interest
you to know that Hecklinger, Johnson and Boyce are long-time double agents.
Don't trust anyone
in the C. I. A.
Don't trust anyone
in the State Department.
Don't trust anyone
with U. S. law enforcement agencies overseas.
They are often hired
by individuals, companies and states to spy and provide information.
Norman Johnson
Darryl Norman Johnson fronting for American drug companies
in Thailand

Darryl N. Johnson |
Name: Darryl N. Johnson State
of Residency: Washington Title: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Appointment:
November 26, 2001 Presentation of Credentials: March 29, 2002 Termination of Mission:
Left post December 28, 2004
Darryl Norman Johnson
"If Boyce can do it, why can't I?"
A comment by Rafer Bass, New York, February 3, 2007:
Former U. S. ambassador to Thailand, Darryl Norman Johnson, is back in Thailand
, trading on his former position. He is employed now as a lobbyist for American pharmaceutical companies.
Johnson is urging the Thai Ministry
of Health to prevent Thai pharmaceutical companies from manufacturing medicine that Thailand imports from the American
The Thai companies are within their
international rights to produce the medicine on their own, without licensing from the U. S., because the medicine, including
an anti-AIDS drug, is considered life-saving and urgently needed by people in Thailand.
Johnson and the American pharmaceutical
companies, however, don't want to lose the business they will give up if Thailand
stops importing medicine from the U. S. and manufactures it locally.
Thailand should
check to see if Johnson's conduct is in line with U. S. government regulations regarding present and former government employees.
Many foreign service
officials believe that Johnson's conduct is unscrupulous, unethical and highly inappropriate. Perhaps Johnson thinks that
the current American ambassador to Thailand, Ralph
L. Boyce, who lobbied the same ministry, the Ministry of Health, for a reduction of the ban on advertising of American alcohol
and tobacco products last August, has rewritten the rules of conduct.
US looses out
Treating Thailand like a little shit backfires
EU to supply cheap Anti-HIV drugs to Thailand
A comment by Red Harris of Vancouver, B. C., November 1, 2010:
Have you read the
The European Union
will supply Thailand with cheap Anti-HIV drugs.
Tell Norman Johnson
he can shove it!
Free HIV drugs now available in Thailand without
A comment by Poy Lemdaeng,
Korat, Thailand, October 2, 2014
For some time now, Thais
have been getting HIV drugs free. That is how it should be. Whenever there is a pandemic, victims should not be charged for
emergency care. That is the only way to contain the spread of disease.
And now there is to be
a national monitoring system too..
According to an article
in the Bangkok Post on October 2, 2104, there are almost half a million people with AIDS in Thailand. Until now, only
half of them were getting free HIV drugs.
The cost of distributing
free drugs to HIV patients will be about 400 billion baht ($12.5 billion).
Shits like Norman Johnson
should not be foreign ambassadors. They should be registered lobbyists for private American pharmaceutical companies and persona
non grata in Thailand
The article is titled Patients
to receive free HIV drugs on page 2.
Read the article at:
Some Perverts with Diplomatic Immunity
It'a nine o'clock. Do you know where your
children are?
American Consulate in Bangkok
Christopher Richard

Christopher Richard, chief, American Citizens Services
(ACS), Consular Section, American Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand, 1995
In August 1995, an international pedophile and prostitution ring trafficking
in women and children recruited Christopher Richard, head of American Citizens Services of the American consulate
in Bangkok
(1995 to 1997).
Using his official position at the consulate, Richard defrauded
Thai welfare and police officials into trafficking a Thai child to Belgium
by persuading them to withdraw a standing official protective order to keep the child in Thailand. The order had
been prepared and enforced by the government at the request of the child's life-long American mentor. The child's
mother and sole parent
had long cavorted with johns, pedophiles, pimps, prostitutes, traffickers, child abusers and fraudsters. Her sole interest
in the child was to give him to the trafficking ring to increase her prospects as a prostitute in Belgium.
Richard sought to
discredit the official protection order by attacking the character of the
child's mentor with
accusations and presenting the child's traffickers as respectable
and reliable persons.
In official correspondence to Thai officials, Richard accused the child's
mentor of fraud, namely, attempting to acquire a visa to the U. S. for the child "through fraudulent means". Richard provided
no documentary evidence of any sort to support his false accusation.
There is absolutely no evidence to support Richard's accusations or
his later excuses.
In fact, two visa applications to the US for the child
were submitted one year earlier to the U. S.
Immigrations and
Naturalization Service (INS). The first was submitted directly by the very individual who later recruited Richard. When this
application was rejected, a prominent senior
American senator submitted an humanitarian parole
petition on behalf
of the applicant to the INS.
The applications were entirely correct and legal, with considerable
documentary support.
humanitarian parole petition cited the risks of trafficking to the child if he ramained in Europe or Asia where
his mother's associates could get him.
The parole petition was withdrawn by the applicant in a fit of prolonged
welfare officials cited Richard's official correspondence to cover up bribes they received from the child's traffickers.
Richard's false accusation placed the child's mentor, witnesses, lawyers,
translators, relatives and friends of the child at great physical risk. Complicit Thai police officials considered
making arrests solely on the basis of Richard's false
Within two weeks of Richard's correspondence, Thai officials withdrew the protection
order and the child's mother was allowed to take him to Belgium.
Within two months of Richard's correspondence, the traffickers committed official
fraud in Belgium to traffic the child and obstruct search and recovery efforts by the child's family in Thailand. Belgian
government and police records indicated that the child had been trafficked and abandoned by his mother.
Richard's persistent misconduct - and the subsequent behavior of
other American officials at the American consulate and embassy in Bangkok - demonstrated their open
conspiracy with the child's traffickers and eventually aided and abetted the intimidation of witnesses by Thai officials.
The trafficking
vicitm was subjected to more than a decade of persistent racial abuse by Belgian pedophiles and government officials
and denied a proper homelife and an education. The full details of the ordeal cannot be recounted here. His exact fate remains
Like all or most embassy and consulate postings, the head of the American Citizens Services
section serves for three years. Christopher Richard remained in the post for only two years, from 1995 to 1997.
Chances are that the complaints against him in late-1995 for using his official position in conspiracy with international
pedophile and prostitution rings in the traffic in women and children led to both his appointment, for the wrong reasons,
and also to his dismissal in an attempt to forestall scandal.
Richard’s name disappeared from State Department lists of employees posted overseas
on the Internet. His name disappeared also from all lists of State Department employees on the Internet. Subsequently, official
lists of employees posted to the U. S. consulate in Bangkok during the period that Richard was there turned up on the Internet
without Richard’s name -
clear evidence of attempts to alter records and tamper evidence to mislead the public. The lists were probably perpetrated
by Richard himself or others in conspiracy with him in various forms of smuggling. Eventually, many years later, his name
resurfaced in lists of employees of the American Citizens Services Section office in Washington, D. C. What was Richard doing
there? No doubt, he was altering records to perpetuate his criminal activities and to cover his trail.
Was Christopher Richard a C. I. A. Operative?
Acording to an impeccable source
that most remain unidentified for the moment, Christopher Richard, chief of the American Citizen Services (ACS) Section, 1994
- 6, and Consul-General, 1996 - 7, at the American Consulate in Bangkok, Thailand, was an operative of the American Central
Intelligence Agency (C. I. A.).
This information does
not appear to be posted elsewhere on the web at present.
Where is Christopher Richard now?
Reginald Johnson Jones Email: freelancenetwor@yahoo.com Savannah, Georgia
February 28, 2005
Dear Mr. Blackstone,
I noted the comments on your website about the complicity of American State Department officials in the trafficking
of a young Thai child from Thailand to Belgium in 1995.
I read long, detailed reports and documents about this incident
later, as a journalist - and I spoke to some of the people concerned.
In August 1995, social
workers for Thailand's Public Welfare Department and top Thai Immigration Bureau officials issued an order to prevent a Thai
woman who lived in a precarious situation in Belgium from taking her child to Belgium.
An international pedophile
and prostitution ring, which planned to procure the child to pedophiles in Belgium, recruited the head of American Citizens
Service (ACS) at the American consulate in Bangkok, Christopher Richard, to help get the child to Belgium. This was a private
matter that did not concern Richard, the American embassy or the American government in any way, but Richard, acting in an official capacity, contacted the Thai social workers and immigration officials directly and tried
to persuade them, with surprisingly dirty tactics, to cancel the protective order.
Richard and the pedophile ring
succeeded in compromising the Thai social workers and immigration officials. (There were reports later that bribes were paid
or deals made with social workers and immigration officials.)
Richard’s misconduct, which was criminal, is well
documented, but top State Department officials in Washington and Bangkok have tried to defend Richard -
and the pedophile ring - with lies.
Richard stayed on in Bangkok after his stint as head of
ACS. He became consul but left after only one year on the job.
I have been able to trace other American embassy officials
involved - Ralph Leo
(“Skip”) Boyce, jr. and Thomas Patrick Furey - but Richard seems to have disappeared completely from the U. S. diplomatic corps. For several years,
in the late 1990s, Americans with ties to the official community insisted that Richard was still in Bangkok and
working in another office in the old section of the embassy.
Reginald Johnson Jones Savannah, Georgia
Information about Christopher Richard difficult to obtain
A comment from ------------------------, Bangkok,
January 17, 2006:
I might have a photograph of Christopher Richard, taken when he was in Bangkok.
I recall that he was in his late 30s or early forties and, at 6’4”, the tallest person in the consulate.
He was not uncouth but was rather obnoxious and considered a cheap character.
Some of the old long-time expatriates believe he was a C. I. A. agent.
Department attempting cover-up for Richard
A comment from
K -------------- R --------------------, Bangkok, October 27, 2007:
There is an obvious
State Department cover-up of Christopher Richard.
Several years ago, lists
of State Department personnel of the American Embassy in Bangkok in 1995, 1996 and 1997, which were posted on the web, included
Christopher Richard. I made copies of those lists.
The same lists today omit
Richard, as if he never existed, or never worked at the embassy.
This is often done by government employees to save their skins.
This is understandable, of course. If Bruno Hauptman once worked for the State Department, his name would be deleted form
all lists of past employees.
Disinformation on the web to cover
up Christopher Richard?
A comment from John Gordon of London, Canada, November
11, 2008:
Richard's name appeared on earlier lists of American government
officials posted over the Internet.
John Gordon
London, Ontario, Canada
US Govt. Cover-Up
of Christopher Richard
A comment from Daniel Bannerman, Washington,
D. C., October 21, 2009
After looking at this website, I surfed for
information about Christopher Richard on the web. I remembered this guy at the American Embassy in Bangkok in the mid-1990s.
I could find some things about some former embassy employees. But I found nothing about Richard.
So, I checked with the State Department. Usually, you can
obtain some information. But they claim they have no record of a person with that name. Indeed, his name appears
in not one signle record that I could find.
What I see is a deliberate cover-up. Files,
especially files posted over the Internet, have been altered. Somebody has done a job, to hide Richard. There's
a gang at work here. I have no doubt organized crime,
perhaps the mafia, is involved.
Christopher Richard still working for State Department
A message from Pablo Estes in Mexico City, March 15, 2010
I found an address for Christopher Richard. It is his working address. This a State Department address, however.
Chris Richard
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
DC 20520
Here is the relevant website; it seems to be current:
All it means is that Richard is still working for the State Department.
How could that be after so much evidence about his criminal activities in Thailand was submitted to the State Department and other government agencies? Obviously,
he is part of a criminal gang. It will be interesting to find out who has been covering for him. Probably the same people
who have been covering for Thomas P. Furey, Paul O. Mayer, Richard Hecklinger and Ralph Leo Boyce Jr.
Pablo Estes
Mexico City
Thomas Patrick Furey

Thomas Patrick Furey, U. S. Consul-General, Bangkok,
Thailand, 1995
A very dark pervert
, posted by the US Ebassy in Nigeria
The website, by the Public Affairs Office (formerly
the United States Information Service), at the U.S. Embass in Nigeria, states the following:
Thomas P. Furey, Deputy Chief of Mission
Mr. Furey has been Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy
in Abuja, Nigeria since November 2004. His most recent assignment was as Consul General at the U.S. Embassy in London, England.
the Foreign Service in 1975, Mr. Furey started his career as a consular officer in Belize City in Central America. He then
worked in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research in the Department of State, followed by an assignment as a political officer
at the U.S. Embassy in East Berlin. Most of Mr. Furey's assignments since then have been as a consular manager, including
tours in Kathmandu, Nepal; Johannesburg, South Africa; Bombay, India; Bangkok, Thailand; and Mexico City, Mexico. He also
served several assignments in the Bureau of Consular Affairs and as a Desk Officer for South Africa in the Bureau of African
Affairs in the State Department. Prior to London, Mr. Furey was Consul General and Acting Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S.
Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Mr. Furey was born in Portland, Oregon in 1951 and grew up in Lake Oswego, a suburb
of Portland. He received a B.A. in International Relations from American University in Washington, D.C. in 1973 and a M.A.
from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, in 1975. He lives in Abuja with
his wife Dorothy, who he met when she was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Belize and who is from Minnesota. They have two daughters
-- Allison, who is a student at Bard College in New York; and Sarah, who is attending high school in Switzerland.
Ed. note:
The American Embassy in Nigeria lists Thomas P. Furey on
its official website as a previous American ambassador to Nigeria. In fact, Furey was never an ambassador.
Furey is a suspected C. I. A. operative working under the
cover of a consular official. Furey is implicated in the traffic in women and children for pedophilia and prostitution.
Furey is suspected of assisting terrorists to enter America.
What was the purpose of presenting Furey with false credentials?
Embassy's offical website gives
false listing for Furey
A comment from J. B. T. Smythers, Lagos, Nigeria, December
27, 2007:
The official
website of the American Embassy in Nigeria lists Thomas Patrick Furey as a previous ambassador (see below). In fact, Furey
has never been an ambassador. He was, for a while, Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) in Nigeria. In the absence of an ambassador, the DCM is automatically
the Acting Chief of Mission and the Charge d'Affaires. A Charge d'Affaires is not an ambassador -
and there is no reason to call a Charge d'Affaires an ambassador. See: http://abuja.usembassy.gov/previous_ambassadors.html
Previous Ambassadors
1. Ambassador Robert E. Gribbin 2. John Campbell
3. Ambassador Thomas P. Furey 4. Howard Franklin Jeter 5. Roger A. Meece
Furey was never ambassador.
No siree! That's a bit of State Department fraud.
See how stupid they
are! They post it on the Net.
J. T.
Phuket, December 11,
In the pay of Al-Qaeda
that money!
Recommended Website:
For more on Thomas Patrick Furey,
read the article by Joel Mowbray, "Perverse Incentives - The State
Department rewards officials responsible for terror visas", in National Review Online, on October 22, 2003:
At least
some of the blame must rest on Ryan’s "courtesy culture," which was directly injected into the consulate there by Thomas P. Furey, who was consul ... |
me if you can!
message from H. J. Knowles in Singapore, October 26, 2005
Indeed, it would appear
that Thomas Patrick Furey, an American foreign service official, is a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative.
It would appear also that Furey
helped Arab terrorists enter the United States.
Many people have long suspected
that the Bush oval office knew about the impending terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon
in Washington, D. C. on September 11, 2001.
In the early days of the
subsequent American-led invasion of Afghanistan, in late 2001, a French newspaper reported that the fugitive Al-Qaeda leader,
Osama bin Laden, had spent a week in an American hospital in a Gulf state several months earlier, in July 2001, getting urgent
kidney dialysis and that while in the hospital bin Laden received a private visit from the local CIA station deputy
chief, who left the country several days later. The media stopped repeating the French report at the insistence of officials
in Washington.
Bin Laden was never caught.
A popular TV celebrity recently complained: "Tell me, how is it possible that we can't find a guy who's 6-foot-6 and supposedly
needs a dialysis machine?"
It all probability, Furey
took bribes from Arab terorists to issue them visas. It is likely also that Furey had to share the loot with others in the
State Department (or CIA).
The CIA was created in the
late 1940s to replace the war-time Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Whereas the OSS had a rather heroic legacy, the CIA
has had an infamous reputation. Early on, it seems to have been an organization of neo-nazi punks in cahoots with wealthy
fascist dictators. In the CIA's most absurd operations, toxic gases were released over San Francisco and in a passenger
plane just to observe the effects on people. In another experiment, a strong hallucacengic was to be dropped in a big city's
water supply.
The CIA's image suffered
the most through the Russian downing of a U2 spyplane in 1960 and the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba in 1961. The
CIA director, Allen Dulles, was fired immediately afterward.
H. J. Knowles, Singapore
would have thought he was a spy?
nothing like spying on your friends
In an article in The American Prospect
Online, Jason Vest discusses in brief several past public disclosures of the names of CIA agents; he cites numerous sources - books, articles, pamphlets,
etc. , including one pamphlet, Spooks in US Foreign Service, which appeared in Canada in 1983:
Vest writes:
". . . There was also "Spooks in US Foreign Service,"
a 12-page pamphlet published in Canada in 1983 by the "Anti-CIA Club of Diplomats," an organization of apparently angry career
Foreign Service officers claiming that "roughly three out of five supposedly State Department employees working abroad are
in fact CIA officers."
The following is from the
http://www.namebase.org/sources/FQ.html :
Anti-CIA Club of Diplomats -
Spooks in U.S. Foreign
1983, 12 pages.
This list was published in Canada in 1983.
ACCD is likely an ad-hoc cover for what appears to be a risky inside job.
From the introduction:
"To what degree has the Foreign Service been penetrated by career intelligence officers? To a very considerable degree.
Roughly three out of five supposedly State Department employees working abroad are in fact CIA officers. The number of young
university and college graduates recruited by the CIA is steadily rising and now stands at more than 800 annually. In the
last ten years, 7500 such graduates have been recruited and trained as intelligence officers at educational institutions like
the CIA Camp Peary Training Center, the Foreign Service Institute, and the National Intelligence Academy. The number is almost half of the
entire CIA personnel working at Langley and at its stations abroad."
These 190 names include the person's diplomatic title, the country where the person is posted (presumably as
of about 1983), and the year when that posting began. The year of birth is included for most names; 90 percent were born in
the early 1950s. Additional citations can be found in NameBase for only 44 of the names. The list may have been compiled by
someone with access to internal alumni-like information, since this is not the sort of profile that would result from using
unclassified sources.
The name of Thomas Patrick Furey is one of 190 listed in alphabetical order:
Germany 1979-1983 Nepal 1982 South Africa 1990
Anti-CIA Club of Diplomats. Spooks in U.S. Foreign Service. 1983 (5)
Geheim Magazine (Germany) 1986-#2 (21)
Top Secret (Germany) 1990-F (37)
pages cited this search: 3
What did he do in college?
A Visitor’s Comment, from Linda Brame, October 20, 2005:
Dear Mr. Blackstone,
I wonder if you have a current location for Thomas Patrick Furey involved in
the Thai scandal a few years ago. You mention that he is in London. I do not show that is correct now when I accessed
the website for the London Embassy. I am just curious. I have followed this scandal. I went to college with Mr. Furey and
was just wondering if he still is in civil service. Do you think that he may be CIA?
Linda Brame
Reply from Lawrence
Blackstone, October 22, 2005:
Dear Ms. Brame,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Thomas Patrick Furey was listed as a consular official at the American
Embassy in London several years ago. A website, posted
in July 2004, lists him as Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) at the American Embassy in Nigeria.
American consular officials generally serve tours of two years. They are posted
to one embassy for two years and they are assigned to another embassy, in another country, for another two years - and so on.
Many Americans in the diplomatic corps, starting out in their careers, dream
of becoming another James Bond. The American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employs many different people in many different
types of work. Full-time CIA officers are usually just that. Consular officials, who spend most of their time on consular
matters, can nonetheless use their posts as cover for CIA work. Generally, CIA agents, who are trained
for particular field assignments, dislike and distrust consular personnel, who are office-bound career civil servants
in the diplomatic corps.
Initially, the conduct of Furey, who was consul-general in Bangkok in 1995,
and Christopher Richard, who was chief of the consulate’s American Citizens Services (ACS) section, in the pedophile
scandal appeared to have been personally motivated, stemming from perverse habits, with the intention of deliberately causing
harm to innocent persons and declaring their complicity with international pedophile rings.
To defend himself, Richard claimed that he was following orders from his office
in Washington, D. C. This is highly unlikely, unless someone in his home office deliberately fed him false information. This,
however, would necessarily implicate consular officials in two other countries. State Department officials later tried to
cover up the matter with obvious lies.
State Department officials abroad have diplomatic immunity to arrest and prosecution
for crimes they commit abroad. But this immunity is limited and it should be possible for the American government to prosecute
them for felonious offenses. It should be possible also for the victims of their misconduct to sue them, or sue the American
government, for damages.
The CIA has been involved in the procurement of guns, drugs, women and children,
false documents, illicit money, etc. This is well known and the subject of many biographies and novels. American consular
officials are often complicit in smuggling operations, including the trafficking of prostitutes and children, through the
issuance of visas.
Lawrence Blackstone
Reply from Linda Brame, October 22, 2005:
Mr. Blackstone,
Thank you for your quick response to my inquiry about Tom Furey. I was truly
hoping that what I read was not true. I have not seen him for over 30 years and I am sure people can change. When I knew him
he was a very idealistic young man wanting a career in the diplomatic corps. How sad that he was involved in this perverse
affair. Thank you again for this information.
Linda Brame
Reply from Lawrence
Blackstone, October 24, 2005:
Dear Ms. Brame,
I understand your concern.
Whatever Thomas Furey was as youth, later, as U. S. consul in
Bangkok, he left enough hard evidence, through his conduct
and official correspondence, to convict him of criminal conspiracy, aiding and abetting pedophiles, fraud, kidnapping and
trafficking in children, endangering American citizens abroad, etc. Eventually, the American government will have to deal
with Furey and compensate the victims.
Lawrence Blackstone
- - - -
Furey made off with the dough
Message from
V. Peterson, Alexandria, Va., November 8, 2013
If I can recall correctly,
Furey left the State Department long before the mandatory age of retirement.
I believe he had no choice.
He would have to face
an inquiry into his granting of visas to Saudi Arabians listed by the US government as suspected terrorists.
Or he would have to share some of his ill-gotten wealth with a lot of other officials.
her hairdresser knows for sure
from Tim Belmore, Toronto, 11/26/13
I am not sure I
understand the significance of the anti-CIA diplomats material on the web.
Does it mean to
say that Thomas P. Furey and Christopher Richard are CIA agents planted by the CIA in the State Department?
Or does it mean
to say that Furey and Richard
are members of
a group of State Department employees that is publicly opposed to CIA infiltration and domination of the State
Or does it mean
to say both - that Furey and Richard are CIA plants in the State Department as well as CIA plants
in the group protesting CIA inflitration of the State Department?
And I am not sure
I understand the separate diagrams of "social networks" showing Furey and Richard linked to clusters of other State Department
employees in various American embassies about the world. The diagrams seem to represent intelligence-gathering networks.
But are they CIA networks or anti-CIA State Department networks?
Whoever knows for
sure, please let me know.
back in town!
mesage by email from Seannus MacInnis, Bangkok, August 13, 2016

Thomas Patrick Furey has returned to Thailand.
Furey was Consul-General in Bangkok from 1994 to 1996.
That was noted on websites for many years. I have an official letter from Furey from that period with his name, signature
and position, Consul General.
Furey is back at the embassy in the official capacity
of Deputy Chief of Mission. If the ambassador steps out of town, he becomes “acting chief of mission”. (Furey
pretends that “acting chief of mission” was also the ambassador de jure.)
Furey has changed him name and he has had plastic
surgery. He calls himself Peter Haymond now. Look at the photo (attached).
An article titled "Thai expert new No. 2 at US embassy"
in the August 11, 2016 issue of the Bangkok Post, described him thus:
". . . This is Mr Haymond's fifth time
living in the kingdom, after having resided in Thailand for periods since his youth prior to his first embassy appointment
here. He first served at the embassy in Bangkok between 1994-96 as consul-general"
Here is the link to the article:
A reply from Jack O’Harra, Bangkok, August 20, 2016
That isn’t Thomas Furey.
I remember the embassy and consular staff in 1994, 1995 and
1996. I do not recall a Peter Haymond.
Haymond was not Consul General as the Bangkok Post
The on-line State Department bio for Harymond reads:
Peter Haymond began his assignment as Deputy Chief of
Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok in July 2016. A career Foreign Service Officer, Mr. Haymond was previously Director
of the Office of Chinese & Mongolian Affairs at the State Department in Washington, DC (2014-2016). Mr. Haymond has also
served as Consul General at the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu, China (2011-2014), and at the U.S. embassies in China (2003-05),
Laos (2008-2011, 1997-2000), Thailand (1994-96), and Korea (1992-94). In Washington, he has worked as division chief in the
Economic, Energy and Business Bureau’s Office of International Energy and Commodities Policy, and as deputy director
in the International Organizations Bureau’s Office of Economic and Development Affairs..
Here is the link to the official State Department bio:
The old bio for Laos reads:
A career Foreign Service Officer, Mr. Haymond has previously
served at the U.S. embassies in China (2003-05), Laos (1997-2000), Thailand (1994-96) and Korea (1992-94). At the State Department
in Washington, DC, he has worked as division chief in the Economic, Energy and Business Bureau’s Office of International
Energy and Commodities Policy; and as deputy director in the International Organizations Bureau’s Office of Economic
and Development Affairs.
As everyone knows, anything put into print by the State Department
is to be doubted. It must be checked out thoroughly. Much of the time, a statement proves to have been erroneous. The Bangkok
Post assumed the State Depaetment website to be correct without checking directly with the embassy, or with Haymond himself,
before going to press.
If you contact the jerks
at the embassy they might insist that Haymond was indeed Consul-General in the years mentioned by the Bangkok Post.
But you are more likely to get no reply at all, or a long runaround.
Department notorious for fraud
message from Lane Summers, Bangkok, September 1, 2016
is a lot of fraud in the State Department.
years ago, you received a polite reply in a letter with an official letterhead. The letter was properly written. It followed
proper form. It observed the rules of oorrect grammar. It was properly signed and dated. The letter included the name
of the particular office, its address and telephone number. The position of the official was noted. Thus, you could track
down the official.
changed in the 1970s and got steadily worse. By the 1990s you got letters of reply on official paper that were not
always signed. Often, the letter was undated. The name of the particular office was omitted. The address and telephone
number were often omitted too.
the exact position of the letter writer or the signer was not indicated.
the official position claimed by the person who signed the letter could not be verified. Often, too, the person who signed
the letter could not be tracked down.
kind of unacceptable work is typical of American embassies today.
Contact the authorties
A message from T. M. L. Jones, Chiang Mai, September 6, 2016
Is all this is to say that Thomas Furey never
existed? Did the State Department put one over on the public?
If not, Peter Haymond is a fraudster. He claims
to have held a post he never held.
Notify the Inspector-General of the State
Department in Washington, D. C.. Inform the FBI. Contact your congressmen.
Haymond should be taken to task. He will be unable to justify the fraud and forced to leave government employ when his current posting
ends. He will not receive another appointment.
Check it out!
A message from W. McDonald, Phuket,
September 6, 2016
If Peter Haymoind worked in the embassy or
consulate in Bangkok during the period 1994 to 1996, what did he have to do with Ralph L. Boyce jr., Christopher Richard,
Thomas P. Furey and Paul O. Mayer?
Office clerk, office dummy, mule, whore, pimp,
Bangkok Post misread State Department Bio
A message from J. M., Bangkok,
September 12, 2016
The Bangkok Post misread the State Department biographical note about
Peter Haymond.
The State Department biographical note does NOT say that Haymond was Consul
General in Bangkok from 1994 to 1996.
This is the sentence the Bangkok Post misread:
Mr. Haymond has also served as Consul General at the U.S. Consulate in
Chengdu, China (2011-2014), and at the U.S. embassies in China (2003-05), Laos (2008-2011, 1997-2000), Thailand (1994-96),
and Korea (1992-94).
The State Department biographical note says that Haymond served at the U. S.
embassy in Thailand from 1994 to 1996. The note does not say in what capacity Haymond worked at the embassy.
Look at the sentence again:
Haymond "served as Consul General at the U. S. Consulate in Chengdu" .
. . "and at the U. S. embassies in China . . . Laos . . . Thailand . . . and Korea . . ."
The biographical note does NOT mention the positions that Haymond filled at
the embassies in China (2003 - 2005), Laos, Thailand and Korea.
The biographical note does NOT say that Haymond was Consul General in Laos,
Thailand and Korea.
There are two Koreas - a North Korea and a South Korea. Evidently, not all
government employees know that. The U. S. government recognises both South Korea and North Korea. The State Department note
does NOT say whether Haymond was in North Korea or South Korea. The U. S. does NOT have an embassy in North Korea but some
people might not know that.
If the Bangkok Post
had checked its archives, it would have realised that Thomas P. Furey was NOT the U. S. Consul General in Bangkok from 1994
to 1996.
Stupid or Deliberate?
message from Tad Jason, Pattaya, September 15, 2016
we should ask why the State Department has not rewritten Haymond's bio. It is much too vague. It is probably stupidity. But
it could also be intentional.
did Haymond really do when he "served" the consulate and the embassies?
might ask also why the Bangkok Post has not published a notice informing readers
of the error in its September 11th article about Haymond and mentioned the correct information.
play along with the deceit?
A message from Ralph James, Macon, Georgia, October 27,
Of the Americans who were at the
embassy or consulate in 1995, only
Boyce, Mayer and
Haymond returned
to region.
Why? Who sent them?
Who ignored the many complaints
against them?
What were they sent back here to
Department claims Haymond was Consul-General in Bangkok from 1994 to 1996
January 2019
have two offical letters from Thomas Patrick Furey in 1995 and 1996, signed by him and noting his position as Consul General,
was in Bangkok in 1995 and 1996. I do not recall a Peter Haymond at the US consulate in Bangkok at the time.
present, there is no American ambassador to Thailand. Haymond is the Charge d'Affaires. As such he is the top American official
in Thailand. His bio on the current US embassy website claims he was Consul-General in Bangkok from 1994 to 1996.
Jones, Bangkok
A Post-script, April 11, 2019
the current charge d'affaires in Thailand, Peter Haymond, was there in the years 1994 - 1996, as Bangkok Post articles
in the past two years have claimed and current State Department websites claim, there should be contemporary references to
have aksed the Bangkok Post and State Department to confirm their claims. I have received answers to many inquiries
from them in the past but none in this particular matter.
have checked Bangkok Post archives. I could not find any reference to Peter Haymond during the years 1994 to 1996.
The archives are not indexed. I might have missed something. I will double-check.
Haymond has been Charge d'Affaires a long time.
An inquiry by -----------, Bangkok, April 6, 2019
Ed: The following comment appeared in a blog and is republished here with permission.
There has not been an American ambassador to Thailand since September 2018. Does anyone know
Comment in reply, republished here with permission, by -----------------------------, April
10, 2019
Before officially assuming the position in August 2015, the last ambassador spoke before the
Press Club of Thailand in Thailand. In going over US foreign policy, which he assumed to be a routine procedure
and considered a mundane matter, he mentioned a matter that is particularly sensitive to many Thais. He stepped in the bucket.
He did not anticipate the angry response that followed. At another time, or in another official position, his talk might
have been ignored. Office-bound career civil servants do not make good diplomats. They are not good journalists. They
have little or no idea of local situations or what to make of them.
When George Bush convened his first meeting as CIA chief, he discovered that his suborbinates
knew less about the world than the New York Times. He could get better and more recent information from the newspaper.
It appears that the new president is getting expert advice on Thailand. He has not appointed
a new ambassador.
Since William Brown left the post in 1988 there has been a long run of very mediocre
appointees to Bangkok. The next several years will require somone with human intelligence. Not some ass or a robot or junketeer.
Since government employment has little appeal today, the president will have to find someone outside government. That does
mean Palermo or Chicago or Las Vegas or Hollywood or Tel-Aviv. But someone who has good connections, smiles and says nothing that can upset
anyone. Maybe someone from the local office of Standard Oil.
Other persons involved returned to Thailand
comment by ---------------------, Bangkok, April 2, 2019
appears that this matter concerns a letter by Christopher Richard to the Thai government in August 1995. Richard was
a concular assistant. The letter attacked an American who protected a child from an international paedophile and
prostitution ring trafficking in women and children. The gang was based in Antwerp, Belgium and Pattaya, Thailand and had
accomplices in the state of Virginia in the US. Richard's letter contained false statements. An accomplice of the
ring "persuaded" him to write the letter.
action was taken against Richard.
Pater Haymond was US consul in Bangkok at the time, as State Department websites claim, he may have been involved in
the matter.
involved, at the time or in subsequent years, like Thomas P. Furey, Paul O. Mayer and Timothy M. Sherer, became
consuls or head of the American Citizens Section in Bangkok.
Paul O. Mayer
Conspired with Thai Police to Obstruct Search and Recovery Efforts
Conspired to Cover Up Pedophile, Prostitution and Trafficking Ring in Bangkok
Is Paul O. Mayer a C. I. A. agent?
(See http://www.namebase.org/xmas/Paul-O-Mayer.html )
The New York crime family's boy
in Montreal
(see http://www.the
Paul O. Mayer |

U. S. State Department Pedophile Ring |
Paul Mayer, Chief,
American Citizens Section,
American Consular Section,
Bangkok, 1997 - 2001
While political officer at the
American Consulate in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand in mid-1995, Paul O. Mayer was informed of the efforts of a Belgian
and Thai pedophile and prostitution ring to traffic a Thai child to Belgium.
After familiarizing himself with the matter, Mayer advised a private
American citizen - the child's mentor - that the only way to protect the child
was to get the support of the headman of the township in which the child lived. That is indeed the best way to proceed in
such matters and it was the advice offered by many others. The headman, however,
was uncooperative.
Mayer replaced Christopher Richard as head of the American Citizens Services section at the American consulate
in Bangkok in 1997. Mayer served for four years, to 2001 - one year more than the regular three-year posting, an indication that Richard was removed from the
post one year early.
In his four years in the post, Mayer persistently
resisted and blocked all attempts to get the American consulate to admit the wrong-doing of its officials in the trafficking
case, alert the Thai authorities and urge officials to get a reliable account of the trafficking victim.
Mayer refused to urge the Thai police to account
for the victim because to do so would have exposed Richard’s earlier denials to the police of his complicity in the
Mayer appears to have been behind the obstruction
of a State Department investigation into Richard’s conduct in 1997. Consular officials claimed the investigation had
found no wrong-doing by Richard. Such a finding - yesterday, today or tomorrow - is an impossibility and further evidence of criminal conspiracy.
Mayer also encouraged Thai officials in the harassment
and intimidation of witnesses in the case.
Mayer’s criminal
motivation for his official misconduct in this particular matter is well-documented. Above all, his personal interests lay
in covering for the pedophile and prostitution trafficking ring and other consular officials in Bangkok, Christopher Richard
and Thomas P. Furey, and a former charge d’affaires in Bangkok, Ralph Boyce, who were complicit in the trafficking case.
Where was Mayer in June
- September 1995?
A message from Ed Maguire, Boston,
Mass., May 15, 2015
I recall the child trafficking case back in August and September 1995.
This website places Paul O. Mayer at the American Consulate in Chiang
Mai, Thailand in August 1995. But people have assured me that
Mayer worked at the American Consulate in Udon Thani at the time. The consulate in Udon Thani closed in late 1995
- October, November or December. Mayer was gone by then.
Editor's reply:
I have several different biographical descriptions of Paul O. Mayer posted
over the years on the Internet by the State Department. Indeed, one claims he was in Chiang Mai in the summer of 1995. The
others put him in Udon Thani at the time.
I shall check further.
Could it be that Mayer went from Udon Thani to Chiang Mai before September of
Paul O. Mayer bio,
from a State Department website:
Paul Mayer is Deputy Consul General at the U.S. Consulate General in
Montréal. Prior to his arrival in September 2007, he was the Special Assistant
in the State Department’s Visa Office. He also served for one year as Senior Watch Officer in the Department’s
Operations Center
(2005-2006). Paul’s other diplomatic assignments have included service as Consul and First Secretary at the U.S. Embassy
in Tallinn, Estonia (2002-2005), Chief of American Citizen Services at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand (1998-2001),
and tours in Washington, Hong Kong, and northeast Thailand. Prior to joining the U.S. State Department in 1992, Paul was an
Associate at the Harvard Negotiation Project, where he taught and wrote on negotiation and international relations. He is
a 1988 graduate of Harvard College,
where he received an A.B. in Philosophy and was also captain of the track team. He is married and has a beautiful 4-year old
for food
Birds of a feather flock together
A comment from Edward Levine, Toronto,
August 31, 2009:
Paul Mayer is a jerk.
Just read his speech on Raoul Wallenberg Day (http://www.rwallenberg-int.org/Events/Mayer.htm).
By the way, perhaps readers should know that Kofi Annan, when UN chief,
ignored complaints against UN personnel who were involved in pedophile and prostitution rings and the traffic in children.
He ignored also requests addressed directly and personally to him from the families of victims for his assistance in tracing
and recovering them.
Annan’s wife is a Wallenberg.
Shit for
personal habits
A message
from Hector Printer, Phuket, Thailand, November 3, 2009
I remember Mayer.
He worked at the
American consulate in Chiang Mai in the mid-90s. Funny little guy. Ran around the consulate in his underwear. Even worked
the window in his underwear.
But who would have
thought he was a pedophile?
Message from John Antony, New York, December 11,
I caught an article about
another Raoul Wallenberg shin-dig attended by Mayer and Kofi Anan. There was even a photo of two together.
Somebody shoud check to
see if Mayer has any personal or professional connections to the Wallenbergs or Anan.
Mayer should have been tossed
out of the State Department long ago. Like Boyce and Furey. There were too many complaints. Somebody might be paving the way
for Mayer. I don't mean to suggest that the Wallenbergs or Annan are behind his overstay in government. Nonetheless,
it does seem odd.
have Mayer all wrong!
A comment by Ralph -------------, Boston, November 1, 2010:
If it's the same Paul Mayer I knew years ago you've got
him all wrong.
Mayer comes from an old Protestant German family in
Boston that has donated generously large sums to Harvard.
There is no way he could be a pedophile or involved in organized
crime, especially pimping and procuring children for the sex trade with Thai cops or the Siciian-American Mafia or the Chinese
He was captain of the college track team, for Christ's sake.
Boston? Kansas?
A messsage
from Montri Thamachai, Udon Thani, Thailand, January 23, 2014
As far as I know, the Mayer family in Boston, to which Ralph
----- refers, and the State Department employee, Paul O. Mayer, are not related.
True, the Mayer family of Boston made large contributions
to Harvard.
Paul Mayer went to Harvard. But he is a country boy from Kansas and a blue-collar type. He might be of Protestant German
ancestry. But how is it he speaks Estonian?
State Department photo
of Paul
O. Mayer (2014)
back in Thailand
message from Marty Emerson, Nong Khai, Thailand, December 21, 2012
I saw Paul Mayer in Thailand
the other day. That was surprising. I thought he had been declared persona non grata. Somebody screwed up somewhere.
Or the diplomatic corps is being its usual obnoxious self. Somebody better do something.
message from F. Redford, Bangkok, February 11, 2013
Paul O. Mayer is currently
deputy chief of mission in Vientiane. In the absence of the ambassador he becomes the senior official at the embassy. Here is the recent State Department bio. I notice some mistakes in it.
Paul Mayer started
work as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Vientiane, Laos in September 2012. Prior to his arrival in Laos,
Mr. Mayer served in Washington for two years as an Office Director in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence
and Research. He was selected as the 2012 winner of the State Department’s Arnold Raphel Memorial Award for his
efforts in mentoring and developing subordinates.
Mr. Mayer previously
served as Deputy Consul General in Montréal (2007-2010), as Special Assistant in the State Department’s Visa Office
(2006-2007), and as a Senior Watch Officer in the Department’s Operations Center (2005-2006). Paul’s other
assignments include: Consul and First Secretary at the U.S. Embassy in Tallinn, Estonia (2002-2005), Consul and Chief of American
Citizen Services in Bangkok (1998-2001), and Staff Assistant in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (1997-1998). Paul
began his State Department career with two-year tours in Udorn, Thailand (1993-1995) and Hong Kong (1995-1997).
Prior to joining
the State Department in 1992, Mr. Mayer was an Associate at the Harvard Negotiation Project at Harvard Law School, where he
taught and wrote on negotiation and international relations, and was a two-time recipient of the Derek Bok Award for Excellence
in Teaching. He is a 1988 graduate of Harvard College, where he received an A.B. in Philosophy, was a DJ for WHRB-FM,
and was captain of the university track team with a PR of 10.64 seconds in the 100-meter dash. Mr. Mayer is a native
of Wichita, Kansas. He is married and is the father of a beautiful 9-year old daughter. His hobbies include aviation,
meteorology, and all aspects of American pop culture. He speaks Thai, Lao, French, and Estonian.
Here is the link:
Message from
Andrew Humphries, Udon Thani, Thailand, March 21, 2013
That is incredible.
I thought Mayer was
tossed out of the State Department.
No doubt, he is part
of a pedophile and prostitution ring trafficking in women and children in the State Department.
What is he doing in Laos?
He is probably with the CIA. I hope the Laotians are watching him closely. His old buddy Ralph Leo Boyce junior is still
in Singapore.
Oh, dear
. . .
Doin' da Jerk
You can see Paul
Mayer on You Tube:
This is a dumb as it
And they're stupid enough
to post it. They're probably drinking the water.
This is where your tax
dollar goes.
No chance of winning
hearts and minds with this guy.
What are those Lao kids
doing there? Did somebody tell them it would get them to the U. S.?
They're better off sticking
to French. The best-looking women and the best-tasting food in Laos are at the French Embassy.
Why hang around the US
Embassy to rap with a bum?
D. W., Korat, Thailand,
October 15, 2013
A messaage from
Edward Button, Bangkok, June 2, 2015
Are you sure you have
the right guy?
You might have mistaken
some ass-hole at the Bangkok embassy for Mayer. A little guy. Forty-ish. Blond hair. Alcoholic. Loud mouth. Obnoxious.
Causes a disturbance wherever he goes. Thai girl friend or Thai
wife. Claims he's James Bond. Shows off his diplomatic passport.
A message from
Steven Millars, Bangkok, December 16, 2016
another one at the embassy who uses the f-word all the time. Every other word is the f-word. It's fuckin' this and fuckin'
that. Have you met that one?
What the fuck is that? Who the fuck did that? Fuckin' wrong. What the fuck. Who the fuck cares? Fuckin'
that kind of guy in your office.
Monte, Phanupong Khisri
Did consular officials work directly with
traffickers in women and children in all cases?
message from Joseph Otis, Los Angeles, December 12, 2010
This website makes reference to the Thai child Phanupong Khisri (also Khaisri).
His was a tragic case.
An organized prostitution ring smuggled Asian
prostitutes into the U. S. from Thailand. The prostitutes were accompanied by an escort, an Asian man. The couple claimed
to be married. The couple had a child with them that they claimed to be theirs. But all three were unrelated and they came
from different countries. They couldn't have been more obvious.
This child, Phanupong Khisri, was an infant,
rented by his mother in Chiang Mai to a criminal gang trafficking prostitutes to the U. S. in 2000. The gang had used this
child several times. He was even HIV-positive. How he became infected we should try to find out.
The smugglers were easy to detect. How
often does an unmarried and unrelated couple from Asia arrive in the US with an unrelated infant and screwy papers?
Gangsters are not necessarily geniuses. Generally, they commit crime, often in the open, however sloppy,
until stopped. That is how this gang operated. But they operated for some time.
This website points out that the consular service
of the American embassy in Bangkok was complicit in the smuggling operation. Indeed, at least one consul and at least one
consular assistant would have been involved in some way or another.
But it was an INS agent at the embassy who granted
the visias. That would mean that the consular service referred the gang to the INS. The gang might have operated through a
Thai lawyer, perhaps from one of the local law firms recommended by the American Embassy.
In Bangkok the consular section and the INS
office are on the same floor of the same building and next to one another. The consuls are (or should be) civil servants from
the foreign service of the State Department. The INS agents are civil servants with the Justice Department.
Both offices often employ local people as assistants.
Many are unqualified and even incompetent. It is easy to get employment at the embassy. All one needs is a contact. Thus,
many local wives and girlfriends and local expatriates get jobs at the embassy. The native employees are often blamed for
any wrong-doing when a visa scandal erupts.
The prostitute smuggling operation went smoothly
for a long time before an immigration official at LAX airport, going strictly by the book, probably because he wasn't part
of the network, exposed it. Why the operation was not exposed earlier should have been investigated. If immigrations records
have not been destroyed (they often are, or they are filed away in odd places) the operation can be exposed in full.
The case of Phanupong Khisri exposed the organized
criminal operation. But only part of the criminal network was accounted for.
Working hand in hand with the smugglers were
corrupt American consuls and INS agents in Bangkok. They were as guilty as the smugglers. In fact, they might have been more
involved with the criminal gangs and their operations than the public suspected. Some lawyers say that embassy officials have
much longer involvement in such crime than the locals.
Phanupong Khisri was just one of many innocent
Thai children used by international prostitution rings to smuggle Asian women out of Bangkok for prostitution in the U. S.
and to other countries. There were many, many more.
Of the Bangkok embassy officials mentioned on this site, the following were in Bangkok at the time:
Leslie V. Rowe, Paul O. Mayor, Jeffrey Schwenk, Roderick ("Rod") Gonzalez, and Charles Winterheiser. They certainly would
have known about the gang and its operations. They would have known also about El Monti. Don't think they didn't.
(Ed: El Monte was a concentration camp in California set up by an Asian gang in the 1990s to manufacture
goods using Thai women as laborers who were brought into the U. S. for the purpose but held captive in the camp for long periods.)
The Traffic in Women and Children from Thailand is
a Billion-Dollar Industry
A message from John Chiang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, February 27, 2013
What happened to the prostitute and her escort in this case?
Where was the woman to go once she arrived in the U.
S.? Who financed her trip? Who was she to work for? A Chinese gang? A CIA-State Department-Mafia
call-girl service?
What about the escort? What happened to him?
Someone interfered with news reports about this case. Normally, something about the operations of the trafficking
gang or network on the U. S. side would
have been described in press reports. But someone obstructed routine reporting. Probably the U. S. government.
It is certain that the trafficking networks that provided women for prostitution and labor in concentration camps
in the U. S. operated with the complicity
of the State and Justice Departments and the CIA. The CIA is up to its ears in the procurement of prostitutes. Chinese gangs
and/or the Mafia were certainly involved.
Notorious Woodpeckers
Two more American consuls in Bangkok, both women, Alice C. Moore and Leslie V. Rowe, conspired to obstruct search
and recovery efforts in apparent complicity with the pedophile and prostitution ring

Other American Embassy officials in Bangkok implicated by official documentation:
Eugenia M. Sidereas, aide to R. E. Hecklinger ( http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:shIa_0dcB_YJ:ask.depaul.edu/Students/MentoringandAdvice/ASK_Away_Archive.asp+Eugenia+M.+Sidereas,+U.+S.+Department+of+State,+biography&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=th&source=www.google.co.th );
D. Phillips, Ambassador's Office
Management Specialist;
Winterheiser, secretary to L. V. Rowe;
("Larry") Woodruff, acting head of American Citizen Services, mid-2001
Schwenk, consular assistant;
("Rod") Gonzalez, consular assistant;
Yun, Economics Officer;
bio: http://www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/ot/2010/146957.htm ;
M. Scherer, LAB;
Daily, Political Officer.
Washington, D. C.
Bridgers-Smith, Inspector General, State Department
Paris, France:
_. Terjesen, State Department
We are trying to
identify another American woman who, along with Sidereas, was Hecklinger's top office aide.
This website is trying to identify
the American State Department official in Bangkok who planted an article in one of the two leading English-language daily
newspapers in Bangkok in December 2000 with the intention to urging Thai officials into pressing lese
majeste charges against the persons who were trying to rescue the Thai child who was trafficked to Belgium by
Christopher Richard and co-conspirators.
Maybe it's true what they say about Dick Cheney . . .
Also, there
have been numerous reports that one of the above-mentioned, probably Winterheiser, was sent to Bangkok for the specific purpose
of --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scherer complicit with paedophiles in the traffic in children 
Timothy M. Scherer, on the right, in a recent photo in Thailand.
Timothy M.
Scherer returned to Thailand as Consul-General of the US Consular Section in Bangkok in 2018.
Scherer was in Bangkok about
12 years ago and worked in the embassy building with Thomas Daily and Joseph Yun. Scherer was to monitor and
report on the state of human rights in Thailand to his superiors. Scherer was asked to look into a child trafficking case in
which American consular personnel in Bangkok were complicit. Scherer noted particulars. Scherer
evaded all attempts to follow up the matter. Joseph
Yun was asked to look into it. He 'disappeared'. No doubt, he found the case inconvenient. He was kept on at the State Department.
Thomas Daily was asked to look into the matter and also 'disappeared'. Of
course, the State Department is notorious for its many homosexuals and paedophiles. It always has been.
should be noted that many of the consular officials involved in the paedophile and child trafficking case of 1995 returned
to work in the embassy or consulate in later years, some in the 1990s, some in the 2000a, and other more recently. The
Thais should be more careful. They should bar these American State Department employees from the country.
Just the
tip of the Iceberg
CIA Involved
in Child Sex Trade Since 1978
A message
from Jean Hervé, February 14, 2014
CIA Involved in Child Sex Trade Since 1978 on
Russia Today, Wednesday, December 30, 2009
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Editor’s note, October 22, 2015:
Mr. Hervé provides a link to an interview with an American freelance journalist or blogger Wayne Madsen on the Russian
TV programme Russia Today (RT) in 2009.
Does Mr. Hervé know Wayne Madsen?
Around the time that Mr Madsen appeared
on Russia Today (2009), the webmaster of this site received an Internet alert for Ralph Boyce. Checking the alert,
a website in Mr Madsen’s name appeared. Boyce was American ambassador to Thailand at the time. He was widely unpopular
and he was forced out of the State Department when his term expired.
Among the numerous postings on Mr Madsen’s
website was the outlandish claim that the American Embassy in Bangkok had broken up a local pedophile ring. Boyce’s
photo was prominently displayed with the article.
Checking with contacts in the Thai police,
the Thai press and the American embassy in Bangkok, the story proved erroneous. There had been no such event. The story was
a complete fabrication. One could only guess at the source of the false claim and the motive for it.
Mr Madsen’s posting has the dubious
distinction of having been the only praise of Boyce during the latter’s term as ambassador.
Mr Madsen was contacted and questioned
about his posting about Boyce and the embassy. Mr Madsen promptly rewrote his article, correctly charging Boyce with collusion
with an international pedophile and prostitution ring in the traffic in children.
Mr Madsen said that he was concerned
about the behaviour of American government employees who visited Thailand and added that he was seeking a list of junketeers
who had made a recent trip to Thailand at government expense.
Make of it
what you will. But one must suspect that Mr Madsen is the wrong person to consider the behavior of State Department personnel
overseas, especially in Thailand. He did a dirty P. R. job for an American official who was complicit in the traffic
in women and children, the intimidation of witnesses and related official fraud. Mr Madsen should be investigated.
officials complicit in the illicit trade have gotten the local press and BBC radio to make similar phony claims for them in
the past.
It happened in Belgium
The American ambassador
In 2013, the American
ambassador to Belgium was accused by his security detail of soliciting sex from minors.
State Department
officials in Washington, D. C. tried to silence the press but the story got out anyway.
See website:
. . . U.S. Ambassador
to Belgium Howard Gutman was accused of routinely ditching his “protective security detail in order to solicit sexual
favors from both prostitutes and minor children,” in a nearby park according to an internal memo written by a chief
inspector general investigator . . .
Official State Department introduction (uploaded by US Embassy)
the little things that count
A message from Frank
Norman, Buriram, Thailand, March 5, 2015
American consulate in Bangkok has had a complete surface overhaul.
saw it the other day for the first time in twenty years.
the Americans are gone!
the Filipino security guards are gone.
about all the employees are Thais now. And everything is handled by Thais.
was one American, a black, at the entrance, keeping the lines straight. But all the Caucasians are gone. Actually, I did see
one Caucasian, tucked away in the back of the consular section - a male, shorter than all the Thais - probably a consular official.
the counter, the consulate is just as dirty as it ever was. It's the same story. Maybe worse.
applied for a new passport. I was told I would get it in a week or so. I would be notified by phone or email. But I heard
nothing for a month. So, I called the consulate. It was ready, I was told. I could come in and pick it up. And when I did,
I discovered that it had been issued within 24 hours of my application. A full month earlier! Yet, I was never notified. And
several days later I got an email message from the consulate informing me that my passport was ready. But this was a trick
email message, backdated about two weeks.
the Thais there today are just as bad as the Caucasians were. Or maybe it was that little Caucasian guy I saw.
it was another unpleasant experience. Fortunately, I don't have to see these people more than once every ten years.
A message from Jack Wallis, El Paso, Texas, June 1, 2015
(Ed: Sorry, I had the wrond date earlier.)
visited the American consulate in Bangkok recently.
It is true. The Americans are
gone. There is just one American there now - the
U. S. consul. But he is never around. All the other employees are Thais. And there is even a Thai lady boy working the main
window. (I’m not kidding. Go see for yourself.)
The Americans were no good.
Just as well that they're gone. Since the 1970s, they cannot be trusted. The Americans at the consulate like to cause trouble
for American tourists and expats.
As far as I know, the Thais
do not go out of their way to cause trouble for American expats and visitors. Perhaps that is why they have replaced the Americans.
But the Thais have conflicts
of interest. They have strange friends and relatives. They cannot be trusted. It is not wise to employ Thais at the American
And the Thais loathe real work.
Whenever something comes up they run away or they hand people shit. So, they do not help anyone.
All the Thais do is smuggle.
They work for American smugglers and traffickers at the embassy or consulate. They smuggle art objects and traffic prostitutes
and children.
The Thais should be replaced.
Filipinos do a better job. And Filipinos are more human. You can talk to a Filipino. You will get nowhere with a Thai. And
a Thai will take back anything he (or she) gives you quicker than you know it.
Get rid of the Thais at the
consulate in Bangkok. Replace them with Filipinos. There will be a vast improvement in the service.
In fact, Filipinos are better
educated than most Americans in the State Department today. They dress better, too. They have much better manners. They are
certainly better educated and more decent than Thais. The Thais have no education at all. They cannot write. They cannot answer
a phone. They cannot take care of email. They have bad manners.
And today Filipinos are more
American than Americans. The Americans in the State Department are not good Americans. Many of them are not even American.
And many of them hate Americans.
Replace the Thais with Filipinos or close the consulate and ask the Swiss (not the Swedish) Embassy in Bangkok to handle
the American Citizens Section. That will be much better and make life much safer.
A message from Zack Davies, Chiang Mai, June 11, 2015
Hey! You're right about 1970! That was the year Americans stopped offering their seats to women on buses. Before 1970,
there were gentlemen in America. Where did they go?
A message from Jean Jones, Bangkok, December 11, 2016
Whatever you do, don't turn the American Citizens Section over to the British Embassy.
I know, they're nice and polite and all that. They even give real help. They do it promptly too. Something you won't
get from an American embassy today. But there are gangsters and bull-shitters there.
And you can't really trust them with women and children. Especially chldren.
Please, don't ask me to explain. If you don't know already, you shouldn't be here.
A message from Jack Muller, San Francisco, December 16, 2016
Who hired the lady boy?
Ed: Ultimately, the U. S. Consul-General is responsible for the employees at the consulate. At the time, a
working class blue-collar Irish-American from the U. S. by the name of Patrick Murphy was the consul. As far as I know, he
was a career foreign service employee.
Bangkok Consulate a Mess
Message from Steve Collins, Bangkok, March 1, 2018
The American consulate in Bangkok seldom answers inquiries. When it does, the replies are short and crude. If
you need a reply, you have to ask the consulate in Chiang Mai. The consulates in all other countries will answer before
the consulate in Bangkok. The consulates of other countries reply - and do so in much less time. The
Bangkok consulate refers you to its website, which often does not answer your question.
There have been four different consuls-general in Bangkok in the past two years. Usually, a consul-general serves a term
of two years.
Almost all of the employees in the consulate are local Thais. They do not seem to stay for long. I have never seen the
same ones twice.
The Americans there, if you get one on the phone, are all screwed up. They cannot add two and two. They tell you no,
whatever the matter. They try to talk like a secretary or PR rep at a presidential news conference. That might be
why there is such a high turn-over. Perhaps somone is monitoring consular personnel, catching them, and requesting their dismissal.
Frankly, we would be better off without the Americans and the Thais. Africans, Arabs and Indians would do a
better job.
More selected comments
CIA operatives are double agents in the pay of foreign governments
A comment by Heinrich
Weyerman, New York, May 12, 2007:
There are several websites
that expose State Department personnel who are operatives of the Central Intelligence Agency.
It should be noted that
many persons joined the CIA while in college or when applying for a job with the federal government as a way of securing
a job. The CIA paved their way through college and through the ranks of the federal government. That explains why so many
incompetent and corrupt Americans are employed in the State Department. They are retained while many honest and capable
employees, who are not CIA operatives, are passed up or let go.
But there is more to it
than that. At one time, many State Department employees who were CIA operatives were also secretly working for the Russians.
Many found that advancing within the federal goverment required more than a CIA role or contact. Often enough, CIA operatives
in the State Department could not advance or secure a post unless they agreed to work for the Russians.
In every American embassy
there are State and Justice Department employees who got their jobs through the CIA. And among them there are those
who were planted there by foreign agents working in the CIA and State and Justice Departments to form a network working for
a particular foreign country.
It is, for example, possible
that Thomas Patrick Furey was an agent (in the pay of) of a terrorist organization and that he was placed at the embassy
in Saudi Arabia by members of that organization in the State Department and CIA.
KGB archives
in Washington should expose many State Department employees
A viaitor's comment, from
Patrick O'Hara, Udon Thani, Thailand, November 4, 2005:
It is true that many State Department
employees are also employees of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). But many State Department employees are also in the
employ of foreign governments.
When the Soviet Union crumbled some
years ago, the new Russian government sent all of the Soviet-era intelligence files - from the KGB - to Washington, D. C.
Translators have since discovered
that thousands of spies and traitors in the State Deparrtment betrayed America and Americans to Eastern European Communist
governments over the years.
It is likely that State Department
employees who have been identified as traitors and spies are still working for the State Department in overseas posts and,
no doubt, continuing to serve Americans's enemies.
Many State Department employees betray
America simply for the money. Others are blackmailed into spying for foreign governments. Many are caught but kept in their
jobs and used to pass misleading information (called "disinformation") to their foreign contact (but this can be a racket).
Hopefully, the Russian files that
are now in Washington, D. C. will be made public soon.
It is a safe bet that many American
ambassadors, consuls, vice-consuls, political and economic officers in Thailand worked not only for the CIA but spied for
foreign countries as well.
Patrick O'Hara, Udon Thani, Thailand
A message from Martin Helmsman, November 13, 2005:
If a consular official has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps even millions, through
bribes from terrorists to issue them visas over the years, what has he done with the money?
What should investigators consider?
Is the consular official driving to work in a Rolls or a Ferrari? Has he bought real estate? Did
he buy a second home somewhere? Has he bought a yacht? Is his spending on his wife and children exceedingly high? Does he
keep a mistress? Does he go on expensive trips or vacations? Does he rent airplanes? Does he gamble in Las Vegas?
Does he visit Switzerland, where he might have a secret bank account? Does he visit the Caribbean, where he might have a secret
bank account? Can he account for the money in a proper and credible manner?
The answers to these questions should offer clues into the conduct of a consular official.
Martin Helmsman, Vancouver, B. C.
They sometimes do an odd job for someone
A comment from Kent Summerton of Chiang Mai, November 22,
There are many ways in which a consular official can make money
over and beyond his or her salary and bonuses.
Many consular officials run up big bills on State Department charge
accounts. Others pad personal expenses. Many do both.
Some resort to crime. Taking bribes under the table to
issue visas is one way to make money. In Bangkok, many Americans have complained that their efforts to help their Thai wives'
relatives go to the U. S. were blocked until they paid a local lawyer thousands of dollars to get the necessary
paperwork at the embassy processed.
Consular officials can also make money by joining international
smuggling operations. They can smuggle themselves by use of the diplomatic pouch, which is exempt from search by immigration
and custom officials, to smuggle commercial secrets, cash, antiques, drugs and pornography. Or they can issue visas to
smugglers, especially to traffic in women and children.
A few years ago, California immigration officials stumbled upon
an international prostitution ring that was run through Bangkok and trafficked Asian prostitutes into the US. The
immigration officials stopped a couple from Southeast Asia with an infant boy. The couple claimed to be married
and that the child was theirs. But the woman was a prostitute and she was to go to work in the US. The child had been procured
to an international prostitution ring by his mother, a Thai woman in Chiang Mai. The child had AIDS. The incident
was played up by the press. In fact, there are thousands of such cases that US immigration officials do not find out
about or that, for one reason or another, choose to ignore. The visas are provided by American consular officials.
Some consular officials conspire with local criminal gangs to
extort money from expatriate Americans. These gangs usually include local police officials.
Interestingly, quite a few consular officials are not career civil
servants. They are private citizens who get their jobs at the State Department through a contact, go abroad for a
single tour of two years, and then return to private life.
Kent Summerton
Bangkok, Thailand
For more comments that are perhaps relevant to this
website, visit the on-line forum of one of Thailand's English-language daily newspapers, The Nation, in
Bangkok, Thailand:
Topics suggested:
Boyce's Recall Long Overdue:
Complicit in the Traffic in Children :
Who can you
trust in the dirty business of human trafficking? :
U. S. consul in Brussels conspire with an international pedophile and prostitution ring in the traffic in
women and children?
A letter from John Hermann, Brussels, September 12, 2013
When the
Marc Dutroux-Michel Nihoul pedophile case broke in Belgium
in 1996, a scandal erupted and flared all over the country, netting a dozen or so politicians and high government officials
- judges, prosecutors, policemen
and even the King of the Belgians.
The Belgian
PM, Jean-Luc Dehaene, was eventually forced to resign. (And it looked very bad for the King too.) But while
still in office,
Dehaene made
some show of trying to correct a lamentable situation that had allowed a convicted pedophile, Marc Dutroux, to go free
and kidnap, sell and murder children.
Dutroux claimed
to be in the employ of high Belgian government officials and industrialists to procure children to them through Michel Nihoul,
a politician, for ritual torture and murder at parties and there seemed to be some evidence of this.
The PM hired
a Belgian charlatan who claimed to be an expert on pedophilia, Geert Cappelaere, to conduct a study and make recommendations
to the cabinet. The PM thought this might look good. Cappelaere recommended the creation of a small national organization,
Assistance for Kidnapped and Missing Children, known by the acronym of H. O. V. K.
This organization opened offices
in several Belgian cities and was quickly exposed as a pedophile front and the source of many deliberately false reports
about kidnapped and trafficked children and fraud committed by corrupt officials in the pay of traffickers.
is stil around, buying postings at the UN and paying reporters for flattering accounts about himself. He seems to have some fiancial backers. But there is documentary
evidence of his conspiracy with international pedophile rings to traffic in children, commit fraud, and obstruct child
search and recovery efforts.
The Belgian PM, Dehaene, thought he could appease the public
by going to the American Embassy in Brussels and asking for help. Someone in the embassy referred him to a new organization,
or so-called "non-governmental organization"
(NGO), started just two years earlier, now known as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in Virginia.
The story
is that this "NGO", NCMEC, was started by a TV actor who hosted a crime series and was
in the hotel
business in Florida. A divorcee, he was for some time suspected by the police in the murder of
his six-year-old son in 1981. (A notorious pedophile and serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer, became a suspect many years after
his death in prison. Eventually, police pinned the murder on a long-dead drifter.)
to help search for missing children. But it was soon revealed to be a fraud. Its employees, Chrsitine Fernandez to name one, refused
to consider many reports and complaints.
This "NGO"
still exists and is even touted by the FBI and state police departments in the U. S. as the organization to contact if your
child is kidnapped or disappears - or "exploited" for prostitution or pornography.
The State
Department, or the Belgian PM, Dehaene, invited employees of the new American organization, NCMEC, to Belgium. The NCMEC employees got together with State Department employees in Brussles
and members of the Belgian Justice Police (defunct). They rented an office in Brussels,
gave it the same name as the American organization and hired women of very questionable reputation
to staff it. NCMEC employees visited Belgium regularly.
NCMEC stickers
and posters were pasted all over the Brussels office to make it look like an official
Belgian branch
The Belgian organization was eventually called the European Center for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children (ECMSEC).
(In time, the name might be changed to "Sexploited".) It was given the nickname Child Focus,
The employees
of the Belgian organization, Child Focus, were soon caught conspiring with pedophile and prostitution rings,
traffickers in women and children and corrupt Belgian government officials in committing official fraud,
false reports and obstructing search efforts for victims. One employee, Heidi De Pauw (pronounced De Piew} was particularly
notorious and is still with the organization. These crimes are capital offenses in many countries.
The employees
of NCMEC in the U. S. refused to consider complaints from Americans in Belgium. This is criminal conspiracy. All recorded and documented. The employees
could sit a long time in federal prison.
The American consul in Brussels at the time, Ted Halstead, was informed of the complicity of Child
Focus in the traffic in women and children and related official fraud and shown official documentary evidence. But Halstead
never informed anyone in the U. S. government,
NCMEC or other American NGOs, or the American police.
John Hermann,
- --- --- -- --
A message
in response from Tim Rawls, San Francsisco, December 13, 2013
In a message to your
website on September 12, 2013, John Hermann of Brussels recalls that the notorious American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer
was a suspect in the murder of Adam Walsh.
I would like to know if
there is any evidence that Dahmer ever was a hired killer. Some people assumed he was.
I would like to know too
if John Walsh, father of Adam Walsh, had any ties to organized crime. After all, over the years, many people in Florida in
the movie business and hotel business have had ties to organized crime, often to prostitution.
What I'm getting
at is this: Was the murder of Adam Walsh in any way tied to business conflicts, or to organized crime, or to a gang war?
You make them sound like big shits!
A message
from Sandy Hill, Los Angeles, November 4, 2010
Dear Mr. Blackstone,
I am glad to find
a website such as yours.
Few people realize
how low and dirty the employees of the American foreign service are today. I am not sure that they were always as perverse
and corrupt. In my own experience, I thought the caliber of foreign service personnel sank considerably in the early 1970s.
This was also generally the case with federal government employees everywhere.
This website, however,
might give readers the impression that Richard, Furey, Boyce, Itoh, Hecklinger, Johnson and Mayer were intelligence agents.
They are nothing of the sort. Whatever their academic and government credentials, they were little shits without any
intellectiual inclination whatsoever. If anything, they were paper shufflers posted as operatives to "indoor work". But I
cannot see how this could be so because they had such low IQs and they were generally irresponsible and unreliable.
Drop a dime on the
floor and they probably run for it. There is no doubt that they were very corrupt. Many native people deserving of visas
to the U. S. were denied them until they or their American guarantors could find the right lawyer in Bangkok to
make payment to the consul of a bribe of several thousand dollars. Meanwhile, they saw many local men and women who
in no way qualifiied for visas get them because they were prostitutes.
They caused trouble
whenever they saw an opportunity to do so, regardless of the possible consequences to others or to themselves.
Over the past 35
years I found many cables and messages signed by U. S. consuls complaining bitterly about American tourists. The cables were
complete lies and meant to mislead local officials. Many of these cables were posted on the bulletin boards of the consulates
of other countries. Others were shown to me by foreign officials. The U. S. consuls were, in effect, begging for the
arrests, incarceration and expulsion of American tourists. And for no good reason!
You find such ill-willed officials in all embassies of all
countries at one time or another. But the most are by far in American embassies and State Department offices in Washington,
D. C. There are always a couple dozen of them in an American embassy.
Why Boeing would ever hire Boyce I cannot imagine. Perhaps
we should take a look at the company. Perhaps it's gone down the drain.
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Hiding behind a woman’s skirt?
Tripod blocking many websites
exposing pedophiles in Thailand
Dear Mr. Blackstone,
Are you aware that Lycos Tripod was purchased
by an Indian company, Ybrant Digital, last August?
Are you aware also that within the past
few months Lycos Tripod has blocked dozens of active websites that display the names and photos of missing children and expose
pedophile and prostitution rings and traffickers in women and children?
My website too, John Thomas Again,
has been blocked by Lycos Tripod since last December. The website exposed Thai mafias of entrenched old pro-Axis collaborationists
that control the law courts and legal representation in Thailand. These mafias employ Americans and Europeans to do their
dirty work.
According to Lycos Tripod, an American woman,
Jane Puranananda, objected to my website. Ms. Puranananda works for a shady law firm in Bangkok, Dej-Udom & Associates, owned
by Dej-Udom Krairat. She is also the English-speaking contact for the country’s legal assistance office, today called
the Lawyers Council of Thailand, also headed by Dej-Udom Krairat.
This law firm has represented Thai and foreign
gangsters operating international pedophile and prostitution rings and trafficking in women and children for illicit labor
and prostitution. The legal assistance offic e absolutely refuses to pursue cases against the traffic in children. The law
firm and legal assistance office have resorted to all sorts of dirty tricks to obstruct due process. Ms. Puranananda has done
her boss's bidding in this.
Evidently, Ms. Puranananda does not like being
Lycos Tripod is headquartered in Waltham,
Massachusetts. In that state there are numerous websites that post complaints from the public about lawyers. This is a great
service. Thailand has no such website. Lycos Tripod seems to be one company that is making sure of that.
Pedophiles or mafiosi might be running
Lycos Tripod operations with mafias in small Third World countries to cover criminal operations and delay exposure.
If a loved one went missing in Thailand,
consider asking the FBI to question Dej-Udom Krairat and Jane Puranananda the next time they fly to the U. S. Any law enforcement
agency can contact me. I will be more than happy to provide evidence and produce witnesses.
The FBI might want to question Lycos Tripod
personnel, too.
John ("Jack") Thomas, Jr., New York,
New York, January 19, 2011
Ed. Note:
Lycos Tripod unblocked the website, John
Thomas, on January 29, 2011. The site can be viewed at: http://johnthomasagain.tripod.com/
A message from Vance Lewin, Bermuda, January 31, 2011
I read the correspondence between Lycos Tripod and John Thomas.
It is on the John Thomas website.
Frankly, I think Lycos Tripod personnel in Waltham were bribed by Puranananda or her boss, Dej-Udom Krairat, or someone acting for them,
to block the website.
Will Dej-Udom Krairat try to get a court order to block the website?
What judge in the U. S. would do that
for him? There would have to be an investigation first. Krairat does not want that. An investigation will uncover many things
and lead to the arrests of Krairat and Puranananda and others for any number of things.
Krairat and Puranananda are counting on forming a conspiracy with
U. S. officials, perhaps with the CIA,
against the public good. They might try to get to American officials with prostitution and pedophilia.
Additional message from
Vance Lewin, March 19, 2015:
I should add that my own wesbite account with Lycos Tripod was
blocked too. One website described misconduct by Jane Puranananda in Thailand. There are many Americans who are
in Thailand just to cause trouble - for Americans, local natives, anyone. Purananada is a
cancer in Thailand. Start with her association with the nootorious Thai publisher River Books in River City in Bangkok.
There is not a bigger producer of trash in the world than River Books. One can only conclude that Puranananda is
mentally retarted.
is Jane Purananada really?
from Saul Stein, New York City, January 9, 2012
I have read many articles and websites about this elderly American woman in Bangkok over the
years. Lots of facts. Many photos. Purananada is the surname of her Thai husband. Nowhere has there ever been mention
of her maiden name. That looks very awkward. And nobody in Bangkok seems to known what it is. Of course, no one cares.
can be no doubt that Jane Puranananda has deliberately kept her maiden name hidden. Why?
She has very Slavic facial features.
She went to Barnard College in the 1979s or 1980s. Somebody asked me if she was Jewish or Italian. Frankly, I have no
idea. But I would like to know her maiden name.
Really wanna know?
A comment by Prasert na Ayuttaya,
New York City, January 12, 2014
Puranananda was born around 1950.
She’s the daughter of an American chemical company executive. Her husband's name is Chami Puranananda. He is half-Thai
and half-German and grew up in Switizerland. They met in New York around 1970. He was studying engineering at Columbia U.
She was at Barnard. She has been in Thailand since the mid-1980s. They have two daughters.
went to work for Dej-Udom Krairat, in the latter's private law firm in Bangkok, in 1992.
Many people
are cheated by lawyers in Thailand. If they have a good case, their lawyers often go over to the other side for more pay or
for a deal of some kind. Their case is tossed out. Sometimes they wind up in jail - or worse.
lawyers assigned to them by the Law Society of Thailand (today called the Lawyers Council of Thailand), a private legal aid
group, also headed by Dej-Udom Krairat, often do the same thing.
about lawyers to the Law Society seldom, if ever, accomplish anything. And complaints to Dej-Udom, made directly to his private
law firm in Bangkok, are seldom, if ever, acknowledged.
complainants, referred to Dej-Udom’s office by the Law Society (Lawyers’ Council), are given the run-around by
Jane Puranananda and efforts to hire the firm’s lawyers and translators are thwarted (the lawyer and translator will
not show up in court). (She cannot deny that! I have heard recorded telephone conversations and read the transcripts.)
When foreigners
in Thailand ask their embassies to recommend a law firm, Dej-Udom's firm often tops the list. That is because Jane Puranananda
put it there.
Many people
believe Dej-Udom Krairat is behind the blockage of many websites that expose corrupt Thai officials.
is the company's lawyer in Thailand?
message from Wattana Na Nakhon, Bangkok, April 2, 2014
need to know if Lycos Tripod or Ybrant Digital have any dealings with the law firm of Dej-Udom Krairat in Bangkok.
If so, that would explain the blockage
of Lycos Tripod websites posted from Thailand.
foreign company doing business is Thailand must hire a local lawyer. If Lycos Tripod or Ybrant Digital have any business
in Bangkok they must have a Thai lawyer.
their lawyer is Dej-Udom then we know why Lycos Tripod has been blocking websites that expose the local associates of the
pedophile and prostitution rings trafficking in women and children.
Jane Puranananda might be the go-between.
But blocking a
website because it exposes a lawyer's clients is not legal in the U. S. or Thailand without a court order.
know of several persons working for foreign Internet companies who visit Bangkok periodically to make or collect illicit payments
to or from local officials.
military dictator does not need a court order
a lawyer to kiss his ass
A message
from Jack Calloway, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 10, 2014
In the two
days before the Thai army declared martial law on May 24, 2014, the names of two Thai lawyers appeared in the local press.
They had not been heard from in some time. One of those lawyers was Dej-Udom Krairat. The other was another like him
- a crook who has been around far too long. They make frequent payments to the local press to publicize them.
Something was up and, believe it or not, I sensed a coup on the way. The two lawyers were trying to position themselves
in a way that would allow them to take advantage of a military dictatorship.
In the days
leading up to the previous coup d'etat, in 2006, and the days following that coup, the same lawyers appeared in the press
and they were up to the same thing.
and other lawyers in private practice or government were probably behind the blockage of many private websites that exposedf
them and their cronies in 2006. They made private business deals
with the coup leaders. Thus, they did not need a court order. So the sites were blocked by the army.
This time,
however, there have been far fewer blockages. Up to now, anyway. I am sure there have been some but I have not read of any.
I have heard complaints that the junta is obsessed with pornography and repeatedly blocks pornographic sites but the blockage
is random and haphazard.
FBI, Defense Department plant spies in Internet companies
A message from Benito Neri, Washington, D. C., April 25, 2014
CIA and the State Department run international pedophile and prostitution rings and traffic in women and children.
FBI and CIA have infiltrated every Internet company in the world. It is possible that their plant(s) at Lycos Tripod blocked
the website accounts that expose State Department officials who are complicit in pedophile and prostitution rings and the
traffic in women and children on their orders.
an old story
personnel and the smuggling of antiquities
message from H. Rollins, Bangkok, Oct. 10, 2013
theft of cultural artefacts from Thailand is blatant and widespread.
foreign service officials are very much involved. They make no attemot to hide their theft of antiquities. They
boast about it. They show off their collections.
interesting thing is that these foreign service officials often use Thais to get the artefacts or smuggle them out of
the country. Often, the Thais work for the embassy and carry the diplomatic pouch.
In today's
Bangkok Post there is an article about the disappearance of many artefacts from a famous archeological site
in Udon Thani and their return by the American foreign service officials who stole them or by their children.
Americans return Ban Chiang artefacts -
Five Americans have returned 76 Ban Chiang artefacts which went missing from Udon
Thani years ago.
I would like to know how they got the artefacts.
artefacts back where they belong -
looted from archeological sites have been returned thanks to the painstaking efforts of Thai and US authorities
Post, Spectrum Section, Sunday, October 26, 2014
history of theft and recovery
Same issue
about stolen antiquities
A message
from Dawee Thorani, Bangkok, November 20, 2014
There is another article in the Bangkok Post
today, November 20, about artefacts stolen from Thailand. It's on page 4. US returns more than 500 looted antiquities.
It notes that the U. S. Attorney General (which means
the FBI too) has conducted a seven-year investigation and returned some 7,000 artefacts from the U. S. to 30 different countries.
The great bulk of these antiquities were looted by American
embassy and consular officials and Americans employed by the US government, like the CIA, in those countries.
Many had been sold to museums. Others were found in private collections by descendants of the theives and smugglers.
Of course, locals, like Thais, sold them to the
Americans. The Americans smuggled them out.
It is still going on. Same people.
See: http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/444321/us-returns-more-than-500-looted-antiquities
the Internet
A message
from E. Troy, Bangkok, 1 december 2018
As far as I know,
the present junta in Thailand has not blocked one single website. (Of course, I don't know everything.) This
junta is not concerned about criticism, as long as it is constructive. If something needs to be done, point it out.
I haven't tried it myself. It probably depends on who you are and how you go about it. Maybe a few traditional gifts help.
in Thailand today is quite pleasant. No crazy politicians. No transvestite parades. No disappointing let downs by bums and
very mediocre types every day.
It's a smooth ride.
No noise. No nouveau-riche political parvenues. A lame American ambassador, mouth gagged. Perfect.
Apparently, there
are to be nation-wide elections again - next February (2019). Let's see how long it lasts. How long
before some idiots provoke another coup?
Politicians are
interested only in money, letting people down, and mooning the public. Some are actually foreign agents. Their business is
stirring up trouble, poisoning childen's milk, infecting prostitutes, screwing up paper work, hacking the Internet.
Victor Anderson, Bangkok
you heard of the Department of Homeland Security?
A mesage from A.
L., Cairo, December 8, 2018
"Officially", this
federal agency, the Department of Homeland Security, was created after the Arab attack on the World Trade Centre in 2001
to protect the U. S. Actually, it was set up to quiet public criticism. In fact, it was just for the press.
It is really a front
for subversives.
The first thing
to notice about this
agency is that its personnel are almost entirely ethnic. Italians mostly. Even Orientals. Not one Anglo-Saxon there.
If there is someone with an English name, it is probably a gay black. Blue collar types with a pencil and keyboard. Where
did they learn to spell? Bums who talk and look like goons.
Report a crime ring
and they join it. Report a paedophile ring and they join it. They collude with smugglers, traffickers, thieves. Report a corrupt
US consul and they back him.
They are not at
all interested in security. They are interested in bribes. Or doing a job against you.
They do not answer
calls or letters.
The Department of
Homeland Security is a fraud. A complete waste of taxpayer money. If there is another World Trade Centre attack, that agency was
certainly in on it.
Andy L., Cairo
Just to mention a few
Some local co-conspirators
Bad cops, Thai and foreign, in Thailand
Amarin Niemsakul,
Kerkpong Pookpuyura (Kriekphong
Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit,
Jean Allaert
(Belgian federal police liaison, Belgian Embassy, Bangkok)
visitor's comment, on February 10, 2005, from:
name: Roger Heinz
email: hjyw28@hotmail.com
Dear Mr. Blackstone,
I refer to your comment that Christopher Richard, who was head of the American Citizens Section at the American Consulate
in Bangkok in 1995 and 1996, conspired with Thai officials to obstruct an investigation into the trafficking of the child
to Belgium by an international pedophile ring that included American, Belgian and Thai officials.
I recall reading an article in the past year that identified one of the Thai officials as Amarin Niemsakul (pronounced
"Nim-sa-koon"), a major general in the Thai police who was commander of the Foreign Affairs Division in 1995 and 1996. He
conspired with Richard to obstruct an investigation of the case by his office. His reward was a posting in Washington, D.
C., as Thailand's Interpol representative.
Amarin is now a lieutenant general in the Thai police and chief of the Thai immigration police.
Amarin could be identified as a major crime figure, or certainly as a public official who is in collusion with drug
traffickers and traffickers in women and children, in the region.
(There is a Niemsakul in Chiang Mai who is involved in sending Thai nurses to New Zealand. As far as I know, this
woman is a relative of Amarin and this is one of the reasons why some Thai nurses have not signed on.)
Indeed, some of the American, Belgian and Thai officials complicit in the child trafficking case, like Ralph Boyce
and Amarin Niemsakul, are still around -
and in positions where they can further obstruct investigations and recovery efforts.
Roger Heinz
name: Henry Lund, Los Angeles, California
comment: July 14, 2005
According to an article on page two of the Bangkok Post
this morning, July 14, 2005, the Thai police official, Amarin Niemsakul, who was mentioned by one of this website's visitors
(above), has been removed from his post as commissioner of the immigration office for alleged "widespread corruption" and
the office's "poor performance".
The article added that Amarin is to be transferred to the post
of acting commissioner of the Police Forensic Science Bureau. This must be a mistake. Transferring a policemen for alleged
corruption from one post to another post can spread corruption. Amarin should be transferred to an inactive post. Short of
prosecution or dismissal, that is the usual procedure.
Henry Lund, Los Angeles, California

Amarin Niemsakul, Commander of Foreign Affairs Division, Royal Thai Police, 1995-
There were more cops involved.
A comment from Jethro Ullman of Bangkok, October 31, 2005:
I recall that there were other Thai policemen who conspired in
the trafficking of a Thai child from Thailand to pedophiles in Belgium in August and September 1995: Pol. Lt.-Gen. Kiattisak
Prapabat, Commander of the Immigration Bureau; and his office assistant, Pol. Capt. Saopak Chaosuan (policewoman); and Pol.
Maj. Jongsak Yamlamoon, Tourist Police, Pattaya.
Pol. Maj.-Gen. Amarin became involved later, in the following year,
by conspiring to obstruct an investigation into the matter and obstruct efforts to trace the child.
Pol. Lt.-Gen. Kiattisak and Pol. Capt. Saopak were roundly criticized
for their conduct. In an effort to salvage his reputation shortly afterward, Pol. Lt.-Gen. Kiattisak ordered the
Immigration Bureau to launch a crackdown on pedophiles in Pattaya. The Thai press publicized the order. In fact,
however, it was just false publicity meant to rescue Pol. Lt.-Gen. Kiattisak.
Pol. Maj. Jongsak of the Tourist Police in Pattaya helped the traffickers
evade attempts to protect the child. Pol. Maj. Jomgsak was roundly condemned for his complicity in the case. Later, to save
his reputation, he used a contact in Pattaya with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to publicize his involvement
in an arrest of pedophiles in Pattaya. News of the arrest were broadcast worldwide.
Jethro Ullman
Ed. note: Some point out that Pol. Lt.-Gen. Kiattisak's
daughter married an American and operated a travel agency in Pattaya.
More Dirty Cops
Pol. Col. Kerkpong Pookpooyoorah
(Kriekphong Phukprayoon)
Inspector, Foreign Affairs Division
Royal Thai Polixce
Jean Allaert
Belgian Federal Police
Liaison, Belgian Enbassy, Bangkok
with Pedophiles,
Traffickers, Procurers and Murderers
A comment
from James C. Greene, Bangkok, January 20, 2006
There were more cops involved in this case than mentioned
Considerably more.
So many, in fact,
that one quickly realizes that Thais are inately perverse or extremeley dependent on the traffic in women and children.
It's both, actually.
According to some
reports, Thailand reaps more from the traffic in women than it does the traffic in narcotics. Some of the cops were
in contact with the American Embassy in Bangkok. It's no secret that the embassy has vested interets in both
illicit trades.
There were
other policeman at the Foreign Affairs Division of the Thai police, like Pol. Col. Kerkpong Pookpooyoorah (Ed: also spelled
Kriekphong Phukprayoon). He went on to command the Immigration Bureau where he was caught taking a huge bribe from a
notorious Indian gangster. This caused a scandal in the press.
There were at least
three national police chiefs involved, too.
James C. Greene
Ed: Pol.
Col. Kerkpong Pookpooyoorah (also spelled Kriekphong Phukprayoon), an aide to the commander of the Foreign Affairs Division,
was promoted to the rank of Pol. Maj. Gen. and made head of the Immigration Bureau in late 2000. He was immediately
caught acepting a bribe of 25 million baht ($600,000) to allow an Indian gangster to escape Thailand. Yet, he retained his
How extensive
was Kriekphong's conspiracy with pedophiles?
A comment from Ralph
Wacski, Chonburi, Thailand, January 23, 2009:
Did Pol. Col. Kerkpong (Kriekpong) acept a bribe
from the Belgians in Bangkok to ignore requests to recover a Thai trafficking victim in Belgium? Was he bribed
to intimidate witnesses in Thailand?
American Consul in Bangkok conspired with Thai cops to obstruct recovery of
trafficking victim and to intimidate witnesses
A comment from (name
withheld upon request), March 4, 2009:
One comment to this website suggests that Belgian
police representatives in Thailand are in conspiracy with the Thai police to traffic women and children to Belgium.
That may be true, but so are American embassy
officials. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Thai prostitutes are sent abroad by American consular officials in Bangkok
every year. Sometimes, children are trafficked along with the prostitutes. Some of the prostitutes go to work for the Cosa
Nostra in the U. S.
Some American consular officials
in Bangkok are in frequent contact with officials of the Foreign Affairs Division of the Thai police. Paul O. Mayer, mentioned
on this website, worked for the consular section in Thailand for some ten years before leaving in 2002. Mayer, who worked
with Christopher Richard and Thomas Furey, was, like them, determined to thwart search and recovery efforts for
traffciking victims. Mayor was often in contact with Pol. Col. Kriekphong
Phukprayoon when the latter was at the Foreign Affairs Division of the Thai police. He
probably conpsired with Kriekphong to intimidate witnesses.
I thought they
were free-lancers, working out of the home or using the office . . .
prostitutes in the U. S. working for La Cosa Nostra?
A comment by Sal Terrasini,
Los Angeles, California, March 10, 2009:
Maybe some of them do. But
I know from personal experience that many of the prostitutes that are trafficked to the U. S. with the complictity of American
Embassy personnel in Bangkok go to work for Thai gangs in the U. S. These are usually Chinese gangs that operate in both Thailand
and the U. S. They fix the consular personnel. They fix the immigration officials. The girls go to work for these gangs once
they're in the U. S.
Who are these
gangsters? Some of them are ex-Thai cops living in the U. S. Some of them were once high government officials in Thailand.
In every Thai community in the world there are gangs trafficking in prostitutes and narcotics. Some have contacts with the
Yakuza. Some have contacts with La Cosa Nostra. Many Thai prostitutes in the U. S. work in joints
run by mafiosi.
A message from Jack
Conti, Phuket, December 23, 2004
Wasn't Allaert a spy for an Italian millionaire
or an Italian company? He dropped by a club for Italians in Pattaya sometimes. There were some odd stories about goings-on
Ed.'s note (September 21, 2007):
Pol. Col. Kriekphong Phukprayoon's
superior at the time was the Commander of the Foreign Affairs Division (FAD), Pol. Maj.-Gen. Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit (พล.ต.ท.วัชรพล ประสารราชกิจ). Watcharapol was intransigent during the search for a child who had been trafficked abroad. (Gen.
Watcharapol was the Thai police's top spokesman in 2007 and 2008.)
Maj.-Gen. Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit
(พล.ต.ท.วัชรพล ประสารราชกิจ)
Commander of the Foreign Affairs Division (FAD)
The current FAD Commander, Pol. Maj. Gen.
Visanu (Pisanu, Visanu) Prasattongosoth (ปราสาททองโอสถ), and his deputy, Pol.
Col. Nakul Kolkich, are notorious for their persisitent obstruction of search efforts for trafficking victims over
many years.

Nathathorn Prousoonthorn (or Nathathorn Prousoontorn / พันตำรวจเอก
ณัฐธร เพราะสุนทร
High aide and deputy executive director, International
Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), Bangkok
recently, another Thai policeman, Pol. Col. Nathathorn Prousoonthorn (alternatively, Nattachorn Parohsoonthorn or Nathathorn Prousoontorn)
(พันตำรวจเอก ณัฐธร เพราะสุนทร),
deputy executive director of the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in Bangkok and a high aide to the current
national police chief, Pol. Gen. Seripisut Temiyawet, conspired with other Thai (and perhaps also American) officials to obtruct
search efforts. Pol. Gen. Seripisut himself appears to have compromised efforts to trace the victim.
International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEAs)
were created in 1995. There are five ILEAs: Roswell, New Mexico; Gabarone, Botswana; San Salvador, El Salavador; Budapest, Hungary; and Bangkok,
Thailand. They are run by the State Department's Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
Affairs (INL) and its Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS).
A full listing of Thai policemen complicit in the crime
will be posted here shortly.
a joke?
The ILEA was to
assist the Thais in setting up airport security systems, among other things.
In June 2015, a
former Bangkok police chief, Comronwit Toopgrajank, was arrested at Narita Airport in Japan when a security check discovered
a loaded gun in his carry-on bag or box.
The ex-cop was on
his way home to Bangkok after a group tour of an incineration plant in Japan.
The ex-cop claimed
the gun was his and that he had brought it with him to Japan on a flight from Thailand.
This caused a scandal.
How did he get the
gun through Japanese airport security upon arrival?
And how did he get
it onto a plane in Bangkok?
Airport security
in Bangkok insisted it maintained its security system with the same international standards as the Japanese. If anyone
tried to get on a plane with a gun they would be stopped.
Airport security
in Bangkok insisted that the ex-cop was thoroughly checked before boarding the plane to Japan.
That meant he got
the gun in Japan and tried to bring it back to Thailand.
Furthermore, the
airport in Bangkok added, the ex-cop did not apply for the customary permit to carry a gun in his baggage.
The ex-cop claimed
he forgot that his gun was in his medicine box. He claimed the box with the gun was checked baggage in Bangkok.
The Thai junta leader
ordered an investigation of Bangkok Airport's security.
The results:
No gun or ammunition
was detected when the ex-cop passed through the security check-point upon entering the airport.
After baggage is
checked in, the airport runs it through five "CTX" security scans.
So the gun and the
live ammunition were obtained in Japan.
Initially, the press
reported that the ex-cop checked in as a VIP passenger in Bangkok and as such he and his baggage were submitted to fewer checks.
Is that so? That
is interesting.
But airport video
showed that he checked in as an economy class passenger and checked his baggage economy. Thus, his baggage went through all
the checks.
Not so.
The airport reported
that the first scanner of the ex-cop's luggage showed no gun, which looked like a very small .38 the size of a deringer. So
the baggage was not passed through the remaining four scans. The scan was automatically erased after three days.
It was further revelead
that CTX scanners detect bombs and explosives but not guns.
But it was a loaded
gun. So,
why weren't the five bullets detected?
was admitted that the Bangkok airport's security system was not full-proof and may have "deteriorated" since its installation
when the airport opened in 2006.
The ex-policeman
returned to Thailand and nothing more was heard.
But all that is
beside the point.
The press claimed
the Thai airport runs three different levels of security checks. Economy Class passengers are submitted to the most thorough
checks. First or Business Class are submitted to less thorough checks. VIP passengers are submitted to the least checks.
If that is so, a
terrorist will certainly go VIP.
so, said the airport. Everyone is submitted to the same checks. VIP, Business and Economy.
With all the claims
and denials the actual situation was not clear. The question remained. Can a passenger going VIP check a loaded gun onto a plane in Bangkok?
And if the airport's CTX scanners
cannot detect guns and live bullets, why haven't they been replaced?
The ILEA screwed up.
Steven R., Bangkok, October 11,
Thai cops have deals with by co-conspirators
at embassy
Message from Pierre Jappes, Bangkok, August 21, 2008:
Are you aware that at a time when it was difficult for Thais to
get a visa, some of the Thai cops mentioned on this site traveled frequently to the US?
Others are resident there!
Several have family ties to the US. The daughter of one of the
cops mentioned here, I think it's Kiattisak Prapabat or Kerkpong Pookpuyura, both former top immigration chiefs, married
an American and runs a travel agency in Pattaya. It's off Soi Bokhao somewhere. Some Thai prostitutes use the agency to get to the US.
Pedophile Ring in Antwerp & Pattaya
places where sexual deviants operate in the open . . . and the cops are wierd . . .

Guillaume "Jimmy the Belgian"
Vogeleer (pronounced "Fo - hel - er"), part-owner of The Airborne Legion Bar on Soi Post Office, Pattaya, Thailand, 1992 -
Florimond De Loose
part-owner of Auto Afbraak Flor
Womelgem, Antwerp, Belgium
Message from Frans Hausmann of Pattaya, Thailand, January 23, 2005
the pedophile scandal at the American Embassy in Bangkok:
The efforts to protect the Thai child mentioned by Mr. Blackstone were obstructed
by a pedophile and prostitution ring based in Antwerp, Belgium,
and Pattaya, Thailand.
This gang procured women and children to American and Belgian officials in Thailand, including local embassy personnel.
One member of the gang was
a well-known Belgian hit-man and sub-contract killer, jewel thief and con-man, Guillaume Vogeleer, originally from Brussels,
who owned a bar in Pattaya called the “Airborne Legion Bar”, which was registered in his Thai wife’s name.
Vogeleer, who used the name “Jimmy the Belgian”, and his wife’s family had long ties to prostitution.
hung around the “Madrid Bar” on Pat Pong, Bangkok
go-go bar strip, for many years. He procured girls and children and peddled stolen gems to expatriates in Thailand, in particular employees of the American and Belgian embassies and other missions
in Bangkok.
Vogeleer led efforts to bribe Thai welfare
and immigration officials to withdraw an official protective order preventing the child’s mother from taking him out
of the country.
To cover up later, Vogeleer and the Belgian ambassador threw a party to celebrate Belgian National
Day at the Pattaya Orphanage and donated rice to the orphanage.
Another member of the pedophile and prostitution gang
was Florimond (“Flor”) De Loose, part owner of a car junkyard in Wommelgem, a suburb of Antwerp. In the early and mid-nineties, De Loose hung out often at the “Ketelja”,
the most notorious bar in Antwerp’s red-light district.
Vogeleer died in 1999 (he drank himself to death), his wife sold the “Airborne Legion Bar” to De Loose, who renamed
it “De Ster”. The bar is registered in the name De Loose’s Thai wife, Prayoon (“Tim“) Sinchoo.
Belgian policemen on vacation and Belgian officials from Bangkok
frequent it.
Sinchoo planned fraudulent registrations of the child, to be perpetrated in Belgium,
before immigration officials in Thailand
withdrew the order to keep him in the country.
Frans Hausmann Pattaya
There is no honor among thieves. What about
Another visitor's comment:
X-Apparently-To: blackstonl@yahoo.com via; Sat, 02 Jul 2005 15:29:11 -0700 X-Originating-IP:
[] Return-Path: <builder@build.tripod.lycos.com> Authentication-Results: mta135.mail.re2.yahoo.com from=build.tripod.lycos.com;
domainkeys=neutral (no sig) Received: from (EHLO mia-tri-mail3.tripod.com) ( by mta135.mail.re2.yahoo.com
with SMTP; Sat, 02 Jul 2005 15:29:10 -0700 Received: from mailhub.tripod.com (proxy-10-124-207-254.mia.lycos.com [])
by mia-tri-mail3.tripod.com (8.12.8/8.12.8) with SMTP id j62MT9U2011938 for blackstonl@yahoo.com; Sat, 2 Jul 2005 18:29:10 -0400 Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 18:29:09
-0400 Message-Id: <200507022229.j62MT9U2011938@mia-tri-mail3.tripod.com> From: "Tripod Mailer" <builder@build.tripod.lycos.com> To: blackstonl@yahoo.com MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: visitor's comment Content-Type:
Text/Plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Length: 146
name: Ltc. Sunthon Pornthip
comment, on July 2, 2005:
We want inform that Frans Hausmann is under investigation for many
illegal activities in Thailand.
Ed.: A check with the Thai
armed forces and the Royal Thai Police has thus far failed to turn up a soldier or a policeman by the name of Sunthorn Pornthip
anywhere in Thailand. Perhaps it will be possible to locate the computer that transmitted the above message and perhaps the
sender, too.
A visitor's comment, from Frans Hausmann, in reply to the above, on July 17, 2005:
The comment about me in an email message to your website is false and the dirty work of a well-known criminal gang
of Belgians and Thais, which includes Belgian and Thai policemen, who traffic in women and children, in Antwerp, Brussels,
Bangkok and Pattaya. They procure children to pedophiles and women to pimps. They can account for the disappearances of numerous
Thais abroad over the years. The many government and non-governmental agencies that claim to be working for the protection
of women and children actually work for the traffickers. Otherwise this scum would be in jail like Michel Nihoul and Marc
Ed.: Frans Hausmann lives in Antwerp. He has long opposed legalized prostitution and its open pursuit in tourist spots in Belgium. In an additional comment, Mr. Hausmann laments: "Families
with young children on visits to the famous Napoleonic battle field, Waterloo, which is a national tourist spot in Belgium,
walk through the quiet center of the tiny village nearby where they are exposed to almost fully-naked prostitutes sitting
in big department store-size ground floor windows, at mid-day. There are similar spots in Antwerp."
Thai Cops moonlighting as hitmen
Comment by Calvin Denwort, Pattaya, March 5, 2008:
Regarding the comment of Ltc. Sunthon Pornthip:
This comment was probably sent by a crank, most likely
a Thai friend of Vogeleer or, more likely, Vogeleer's widow.
It could also have come from a pedophile who hangs
around some of the Belgian establishments in Pattaya.
Is this guy a Thai cop?
The Lao wife of Guillaume Vogeleer had several sisters who also
operated bars in Pattaya. I heard that they knew Thai policemen who moonlighted as hitmen. Vogeleer was known to the
local Belgian and French communities as a contact for local hitmen and, it was said, they could have someone eliminated through
him. If that is so, he could have used his wife's family to contract killings.
A comment by
Jack Salerno, January 26, 2005:
Guillaume Vogeleer, a Belgian
expatriate in Thailand who went by the nickname of "Jimmy", spent a lot of time at the Madrid Bar on Pat Pong in
Bangkok in the 1980's. But I seem to recall that he was the manager of the bar.
Jack Salerno
Bangkok, Thailand
A comment
by Jean-Francois Costa of Belgium, March 6, 2006:
It was my impression
that Guillaume Vogeleer, a Belgian who frequented the Madrid Bar in the 1980s, was employed by the owner or manager of
the bar as a bouncer. That might sound odd considering that he was barely over five feet tall. But I saw him rough
up some customers a couple of times and toss them out.
Jean-Francois Costa
Brussels, Belgium
A comment
by Vittorio Paulini in Pattaya, February 11, 2006
Guillaume (“Jimmy the Belgian”) Vogeleer was
closest to another Belgian, Guy Moreau. Moreau was a sort of older brother to Vogeleer.
Moreau was from the city of Charleroix in southern Belgium. Vogeleer was
from around Brussels.
Vogeleer met Moreau in the Congo, where Moreau's family lived, when Vogeleer
was sent with the Belgian army to protect Belgian inhabitants in 1965.
Vogeleer followed Moreau to Thailand in the 1970s, where Moreau settled
Vogeleer worked as a mercenary, body guard, contract-killer, pimp
and procurer. He also dealt in gems, often stolen.
In the 1980s, Vogeleer hung out in bars in Bangkok's bar district, Pat Pong. Like many Frenchman,
Belgians and Thais who had been in the army, Vogeleer was a big fan of older American ex-CIA paramilitary men who had stayed
on in Thailand after American forces pulled out of Indo-China and Thailand in 1975.
Moreau lived in Pattaya for many years, in the 1980s and 1990s, where
he worked as a manager, cook and bartender in numerous French and Belgian bars and restaurants. He also worked as a translator
of English, French and Flemish.
When Vogeleer moved to Pattaya from Bangkok in 1992 and opened his Airborne Legion Bar
there, Moreau was the cook and bartender and also the actual manager.
Moreau “vanished” soon after Vogeleer’s death
in 1999.
Vittorio Paulini
Dirty Secrets?
A visitor's comment from
Aert Tiebout, Bangkok, September 17, 2006:
Interesting to read about
Guy Moreau and Guillaume Vogeleer after all these years.
They were both thieves.
Moreau was once fired from
his job at a hotel in Pattaya for stealing guests' valuables from the hotel safe.
Vogeleer stole gems, often
on the border, and sold them at discount to certain people to ingratiate himself with them.
Aert Tiebout
inquiry about the above sent by Francis H. in Cannes, France by email, June 12, 2008:
What was the name of the hotel in Pattaya that
fired Moreau for stealing guests' valuables from the hotel safe?
Francis H.
A reply
to the above from Aert Tiebout, March 15, 2010:
The hotel was the Welkom In. It is still there,
in North Pattaya, on Soi 3 between Beach Road 1 and Beach Road 2. It's about half-way down the block.
The small hotel was once a rest house for employees
of a Japanese firm in Bangkok. It was sold to a Flemish Belgian in 1987 and he opened a hotel and bar there. He
sold it later in the year to a French Belgian with a Flemish surname.
Moreau went to work as a cook for the hotel's
restaurant, when the second owner took over. The owner - and others - caught Moreau stealing from the safe. The owner
fired him. I don't think the police were called in or victims notified.
A visitor's comment from Neil Dampier in Pattaya, September 16, 2006:
I recall that Guillaume Vogeleer opened a small bar, occupying one unit, in Soi Yamato in Pattaya in 1992. He had
a partner, a little Frenchman or Corsican, by the name of Patrick, who had been a clerk in the French Foreign Legion. The
bar, called the Airborne Legion bar, derived its name from the Belgian army paratroopers which Vogeleer joined in
the mid-1960s and the French Foreign Legion.
Guy Moreau, from southern Belgium, was the cook and bartender.
The bar moved around the block to Soi Post Office a year or two later. It occupied one unit. The bar expanded to
two units in 1996.
Vogeleer’s French partner opened his own bar on Soi Post Office, with Moreau as bartender, in 1995. An erratic
character, Vogeleer's partner, Patrick, absconded in the late 1990s, leaving large debts and employees unpaid.
Vogeleer’s Thai wife, a Lao woman from northeastern Thailand,
and her sisters ran bars that employed bargirls about Pattaya for several years. They might still be around but I haven’t
seen them in some time.
Neil Dampier
Where are you now?
Message from M. B., November 24, 2011
I'm not sure that Vogeleer's Thai wife was a Lao as Mr. Dampier claims. I thought she was a Khmer. She certainly
looked like one. Dark brown skin. Coordinated. But you get Laos like that too.
M. B.
sought to use Belgian Embassy and the Pattaya Orphanage to cover pedophile and prostitution ring
A comment from Lou
Pettaci, Bangkok, October 25, 2006:
Dear Mr. Blackstone,
I recall the child trafficking case mentioned
on your website. I lived in Pattaya in the 1990s.
Reading an editor's comment
on this website about Guillaume Vogeleer's background, I was reminded of the child trafficking case (which happened)
in 1995.
I recalled that Vogeleer, to cover
up the pedophile and prostitution ring that traficked the child, claimed to represent the Belgian Embassy in an official
capacity. He tried to make the claim stick
by runnig notices (to that effect) in the local newspapers for several years (subsequently).
Vogeleer also organized a visit
to the Pattaya Orphanage in the following year, 1996, with local Belgians and Frenchmen of questionable backgrounds
and interests, to celeberate Belgian National Day (July 21). They got in by offereing free rice to the orphanage.
The directors of the orphanage were present and supervised the party. The Belgian ambassador was invited and was present,
although he might not have been aware of Vogeleer's motives. The party was publicized in the press. It was
a one-time event, however. Vogeleer thought it had served his purpose.
Notorious bar has a new name
Comment by Bart Millard, Pattaya, June 30, 2006:
The bar, "De Ster", owned by Florimond De Loose of Antwerp,
Belgium, and Prayoon "Tim" Sinchoo of Ubon Rajatani, on Soi Post Office in Pattaya, changed its name recently to "De Star".
Ster in Dutch means star in English. For some reason, the owner changed the name to "Star".
The bar is still a hang-out for Belgian cops.
Bart Millard
Was Vogeleer an imposter?
comment from Nick Fife of Bangkok (email: nickfife@yahoo.com), April 14, 2005:
I refer to an obituary about Jack
Shirley, a former CIA agent who lived in Bangkok and passed away in 2002, by a journalist, Richard S. Erlich, who writes for
the Washington Times.
Shirley set up a paramilitary training
camp in Udon Thani for the CIA in the early 1970s, to train Laos and Thais in guerrilla warfare before sending them into Laos.
The camp was closed in 1975 when the US pulled out of Indo-China.
I understand that Shirley created
the paramilitary Thai Border (ed.: Patrol) Police. The Border (ed.: Patrol) Police joined the Thai military
in annual exercises at the naval base at Sattahip earlier this year (ed.: April 2, 2005), marking the first time
the Thai Border (ed.: Patrol) police was involved in Thai military training exercises.
According to Mr. Erlich,
Shirley hung out at the Madrid Bar on Pat Pong Lane in Bangkok after his retirement from the CIA. Many
believed the bar to be a hangout for CIA men. Shirley owned a bar nearby, also on Pat Pong, which was frequented by mercenaries,
spooks, bounty hunters, journalists, photographers, and curious US embassy personnel.
I saw Shirley once at the Madrid
Bar at one of the monthly local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) meetings. A few of his old friends from the days of the war
in Laos - expatriate Americans living in Udon Thani - were also present. A Belgian, Guillaume Vogeleer, who was also called
"Jimmy the Belgian", came to the meeting, too, but he was not an American veteran, nor had he been associated with the American
government or the American war in Indo-China.
Nick Fife, Bangkok
Ed. notes:
(1) James William (Bill) Lair, a CIA agent, was sent to Thailand in 1950 and, as Thailand's
CIA base chief, set up the Thai Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit (PARU). Jack Shirley was Lair's deputy and worked
with PARU for a time. Jack Shirley also
had a role in the Thai Border Patrol Police (BPP) in the early 1950s. Jack Shirley often got together with old friends at the Madrid Bar.
response to the comment by Nick Fife (see above):
A visitor’s
comment from Kym Ryan, August 29, 2006
I used to frequent The Madrid in Patpong. Rick Menard's Grand Prix,
and Tiger Ryberg's Lucy's Tiger Den as well. I am a former member of VFW China Post One.
The statement, by Nick Fife in
reference to Col. Vogeleer (awarded Maj Gen rank on completion of all duties) that "A Belgian, Guillaume Vogeleer, who was
also called "Jimmy the Belgian", came to the meeting, too, but he was not an American veteran, nor had he been associated
with the American government or the American war in Indo-China." clearly demonstrates that Mr.
Fife has no knowledge of Vogeleer's wartime activities whatsoever
Ed. note: A letter, signed Ltc. Jim Duvall (ret.), sent to an English-language tabloid newspaper in
Pattaya, the Pattaya Mail, August 12 - 19, 2004, was attached to the comment:: http://www.pattayamail.com/576/letters.shtml
A reply to the comment of Kym Ryan (above) from
Richard Kane (for Nick Fife), December 16, 2006:
In a visitor's comment sent to this website on August
29, 2006, Kym Ryan identified himself as a former member of the VFW China Post One. He claimed to have been familiar with
bar scene. He made several remarks, as if speaking with knowledge and authority, and attached an item published in a small
English-language tabloid in Thailand several
years ago to support his remarks.
Doing some checking, I learned that Mr. Ryan was an American who
joined the VFW post out of a bar in Bangkok long ago
and stopped paying his dues after one year.
A small article (Ed: a letter to the editors) in a local
tabloid (Ed.: Pattaya Mail, http://www.pattayamail.com/576/letters.shtml ), about
two years old (Ed.: 2004), which Mr. Ryan attached to his comment, was signed by another person, Jim Duvall, with
the abbreviation, "Ltc", indicating the military rank of an army lieutenant colonel, preceding the name.
The U. S. Veterans Administration (VA) and the American Legion have no
record for Ltc. Jim Duvall, or anyone by that name (or possible variations of it) anywhere. Also, persons in
Thailand (and elsewhere) who would know
him and about a military unit that he claimed to represent replied that they had never heard of him or the unit.
The first name "Jim" is probably a nickname.
Numerous details in the attached tabloid article (Ed.: a letter)
appeared to be erroneous. For example, the article (Ed.: letter) mentioned a particular "military assistance" unit
in Thailand but I could find no official
or credible record of it. There are several dubious websites about it, with vague details, that appear to have been
posted by crackpots. The tabloid article (Ed.: the letter) implied official American government involvement. If such
a unit existed it was not an American unit.
On November 22 and 27, I received email messages from Jim Duvall,
in response to my inqueries about this particular unit. He claimed that the unit had been a Royal
Thai army "unit with NATO advisors". I asked him for more specific details about the unit. Above all, I wanted to know if it was involved with the American government in any way. Duvall did not
reply. (Ed.: A leading military intelligence analyst believes that such a unit, if it ever existed, could
only have been a C. I. A. unit.)
There are all sorts of kooks, boasting and recounting
false stories and making claims of involvement in CIA operations, in bars in Thailand. Without proper
documentary confirmation of the details mentioned in the tabloid article (Ed.: letter), I can only assume that it
was planted for dubious reasons.
One should remember that to make false claims to be (or to have been) in
the U. S. military is a criminal offense.
An email message, March 21, 2007
Ryan mentions "wartime activities". He is talking about Guillaume Vogeleer and the Americans in Southeast Asia.
was not in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War (1945 - 1975). The Americans closed up shop in 1975. So, any wartime activities
in Southeast Asia after that could not involve Americans.
B. Jones, St. Louis, Mo.
A comment from -----------------------,
Thailand, June 11, 2007
have lived in Thailand for more than fifty
years. I’ve traveled about the region. I am familiar with the entire length of Thailand’s borders. I saw a lot of the border areas in the late 1970s and
early 1980s. I am familiar with the Thai police and armed forces.
never heard of Guillaume Vogeleer (or a "Jimmy the Belgian") or any of the outfits that he is supposed to have belonged to
that were mentioned in the tabloid notice. I can assure you, I would have known about them if they were relevant.
of those outfits, which I suspect to be a joke, never answers mail or telephone calls, and never responds to email inquiries.
do recall hearing about a Belgian mercenary in the early 1980's hanging around some of the bars in the Patpong bar district
of Bangkok. Apparently, he was a friend of some American ex-CIA agents - but they were all
notorious drinkers and bull-shitters. No one took anything they said seriously. He claimed - or others
claimed on his behalf - that he had done all sorts of things on the Thai border. I found only
French mercenaries on the border involved in training and combat.
Some of these bull-shitters, or others like them, especially in bars, were involved in the narcotics trade
and tried to cover up with talk of helping insurgents and refugees and even by making small donations to charities, like orphanages.
Identifying the Odd Balls
for Vogeleer
A message from David T. Byrd, Dublin,
Ireland, July 31, 2009
I read the postings on this website about the Belgian, Guillaume Vogeleer.
I saw Vogeleer once, many years ago, on Soi Pat Pong, Bangkok’s red-light district.
He was not someone you could pick out from the crowd. He was shorter
than most Thais. He kept to himself. He frequented bars that were favorites of American army veterans and seemed to be friends
with American ex-CIA agents in Thailand.
When I asked about Vogeleer somebody gave him a big build-up. He was an ex-mercenary. He was a general in the Thai army. He
was well-connected. He could sub-contract killings and kidnappings and arrange drug deals, gem deals, and smuggle anything
through personnel of numerous local embassies, etc. He was also a body-guard for movie stars.
I didn’t believe any of it, of course.
In 2004, someone
by the name of Jim Duvall sent a letter of tribute about Vogeleer, who died in 1999, to the Pattaya Mail (Vol. XII No. 33 - Thursday August 12 - August 19, 2004; http://www.pattayamail.com/576/letters.shtml).
lived in Asia from the 1960s to the 1980s.
I traveled through Laos with the Laotian Resistance several times in the years after the communist take-over in December 1975. The Resistance
was composed of Laotians living in small refugee camps in Thailand along the border. They operated clandestinely, often without
the support of the CIA or Thai military.
I met journalists
and ex-military men across the Thai border with the Burmese, Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese Resistance. I ran into Thai
army intelligence officers many times - but on the Thai side of the border.
I never saw Vogeleer or Duvall or ever heard of them.
Much, much later, however, I heard a number of things about Vogeleer,
but they did not check out.
In his letter to the Pattaya Mail,
Duvall claimed to be a “lieutenant colonel”. He claimed also that Vogeleer was “a
commander of the 1st Detachment (Airborne) Thailand (Project “Freedom Fighters Forces”)”, “a life
member of US Special Operations Association,” and that Vogeleer had been “assigned to different commands like
ISOC, Royal Thai Special Forces, Border Rangers” by the Thai army.
The ISOC is an acronym for the
Thai army's Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) which secretly rounded up and killed suspected leftists in Thailand
during the 1970s and 1980s.
Recently, I came across a website for the 1st Detachment (Airborne) Thailand
(Project “Freedom Fighters Forces”); www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/5166//). It is a very inexpert posting by an uneducated
Because Vogeleer is the only person mentioned on this website, it gives the impression that its information is false and
that it was posted for dubious reasons, perhaps in response to Mr. Blackstone’s website.
There are several photos on this “1st Detachment”
website (http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/5166/images.htm) that I would like to
One photo caption identifies several
men and women in uniform as “Officers of the 1st Detachment (Abn) Don Muang RTAFB”. There are one or two Caucasian males in the photo. Who are
they? Can anyone in the photo be identified?
David T. Byrd
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
P. S.: I don't believe the story
that Vogeleer was a Thai citizen or a general in the Thai army. And so what if he was? Thai army generals are a dime a dozen. Most
of them never see combat. Every Tom, Dick and Harry married to a Thai woman has a Thai army general for a father-in-law.
Talk to American veterans of the Vietnam War. The ones who fought. Many of them had a
low opinion of Thai soldiers during Vietnam. After the Vietnam War, there were a lot of Thai soldiers worshipping Nazis
- always the sign of a loser.
The best Thai soldiers
are the marines.
Thai Soldiers
A comment
by D. N., Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1, 2013
There's a book
out, called In Buddha's Company - Thai Soldiers in the Vietnam War, written by Richard Ruth and put out by a Thai
publisher last year. I have no idea who he is. But it gives some figures. From 1965 to 1972, 37,644 Thai military personnel
were sent to South Vietnam. Thailand kept an 11,000-man division in South Vietnam from July 1968 to the end of 1971, making
it the third largest foreign force in the country after the U. S. and South Korea. The official Thai total of Thai soldiers
dead is 539. Thai army dead: 532; navy: 5; air force: 2.
Thai soldiers were
in Laos too. There were also many Thai mercenaries in Laos. But that's another story.
Ellis Island a-go-go
There’s always the Legion
Vogeleer was a fraudster
So were his pals.
End of story! Over and out!
A comment by Marcel Minerve, New Orleans, September 20, 2010
Recently someone sent me an email message about Guillaume Vogeleer. With the
message was an attachment. The attachment was a document downloaded from a website posted in 2007. The document was a 1983
American Legion China Post # 1 membership roster
( www.chinapost1.org/2007/M/1983MemberRoster.pdf ).
Why was this roster posted on the Internet? There was no explanation.
But I did notice something odd about the document. Vogeleer was listed as a
member of China Post # 1. How could that be? American Legion regulations stipulate that only Americans who served America
honorably in particular conflicts in specific periods are eligible for membership. Vogeleer did not qualify in any respect.
Vogeleer performed Belgian army service in the Congo in the 1960s as a paratrooper. Later, he claimed to be a mercenary. In the
early 1980s he hung around one of Bangkok’s red-light
districts, Pat Pong. He frequented bars that were hang-outs for American VFW and American Legion members, self-styled mercenaries,
journalists, thieves, pimps, drug dealers and prostitutes and hangers-on.
How did he get himself made a member of the American Legion? He must have presented
false credentials. And, more than likely, he did so with the complicity of a Legion member (perhaps Kym Ryan or Jim Duvall).
An acquaintance is checking now to see if Vogeleer ever applied for any benefits
that he could claim through membership in the American Legion.
You must remember that the American veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the
American Legion are two different organizations.
When Vogeleer opened a bar in Pattaya in 1992, he called it the Airborne
Legion Bar. Some people thought that the name Airborne came from Vogeleer’s Belgian army service and the
name Legion from his partner in the bar, a Frenchman who was a career desk clerk in the French Foreign Legion.
But Vogeleer meant something else. He meant the American Legion.
Where did the Airborne part of the name come from? Vogeleer and some
of his pals long claimed that he was once the commander of a Thai army unit made up of mercenaries called the 1st
Detachment (Airborne) Thailand (Project “Freedom Fighters Forces”) that went into Laos to do something or other
after the Americans pulled out of Indo-China in 1975. That accounts for the Airborne part.
The U. S.
armed forces have no record of this unit. Neither do the Thais.
China Post # 1 calls itself the "post in exile" "for soldiers of fortune".
Vogeleer claimed to have been a mercenary but, again, he did not serve
American interests in the specified periods.
Vogeleer never qualified for membership in the American Legion.
Whoever posted the 1983 American Legion China Post # 1 membership roster
over the Internet probably meant to back an empty boast that Vogeleer fought for the Americans in Vietnam.
The China Post # 1 commander, Alfred Platt, has not been answering
inquiries about it. He's probably embarrassed.
The fact is that Vogeleer was not trusted by Americans. He was a dark, sullen,
shifty character. Another dirty Belgian trying to sneak in and cause some trouble, stab some unsuspecting American in the
For the history of China Post One, see:
For the rules and regulations of membership
in the American Legion, see: http://www.legion.org/join
Quoting from the Legion's website:
Eligibility Requirements for American Legion Membership
If you are currently on active duty,
serving the United States honorably,
anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, we invite you to become a member
of The American Legion.
April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I)
7, 1941 to Dec. 31, 1946 (World War II)
25, 1950 to Jan. 31, 1955 (Korean War)
28, 1961 to May 7, 1975 (Vietnam War)
24, 1982 to July 31, 1984 (Lebanon / Grenada)
20, 1989 to Jan. 31, 1990 (Panama)
Aug. 2, 1990 to today (Gulf
War / War On Terrorism)
One has to have served honorably in one of the five U. S. military services - U. S. Army, U. S. Air Force, U. S. Navy, U. S. Marines or U. S. Coast Guard.
Fetch a girl, maybe a boy, buy the guys drinks
- and you're in!
comment by John Keller of Boston, Mass., November 14, 2010:
had been my impression too that only Americans could join the American Legion.
I recently received an email message from Michele Steinmetz, assistant
director of Internal Affairs & Membership of the American Legion, stating that each Legion post has its own membership
"One who is not an
American citizen who served honorably on federal active duty with any of the five United
States Armed Forces during one of the eligibility periods .. . . . . would be eligible for membership in the American Legion. Each post is the judge of its
own members, and how they choose to accept members would be outlined in their respective Post Constitution and By-laws."
Vogeleer was already a member
in 1983. So, you would have to see the China Post # 1 regulations before that year to understand how Vogeleer
became a member, especially since he did not serve US interests at the specified times.
Since Mr. Platt isn't cooperating, I sent
an inquiry to the director of the Legion's Internal Affairs, Jack Querfeld, . He replied:
post of the American Legion shall be the judge of its own membership, subject to the restrictions of the National Department
and Post Constitution and By-Laws. If eligibility is questioned it should be submitted in writing to the post outlining the
reasons and the individual is required to show cause to the post."
old VFW member in Bangkok recalls that Vogeleer was reputed to have many
contacts. Perhaps Vogeleer got
membership in the Legion by supplying prostitutes and drugs to VFW and American Legion members who frequented Bangkok's
red-light district and putting them in touch with hired gunmen.
the national headquarters is to review
membership it will see that he did not qualify according to regulations.
are many known social deviants who have been members of the Legion. So being a small-time gangster or pedophile
or procurer of children to pedophile rings might not be sufficient grounds for expulsion from the Legion.
need a program to know what's going on.
Comment from Sean Kelly of Bangkok, May 30, 2005:
What is the truth about
the CIA in Bangkok? Is there a CIA hang-out in Bangkok? There probably is. There are probably several.
One place that is touted
as a "CIA haunt" is in the Sukumvit Soi 22 area. But this area is not one where a curiosity seeker or tourist would
want to become known as a regular. The area is overrun by prostitutes, homosexuals, pedophiles, foreign cops, and Thai
undercover cops. (The latter are usually looking for foreigners who have overstayed their visas and foreigners rumored
to be drug dealers.) There are also employees of local foreign embassies selling documents of all sorts.
Sean Kelly, Bangkok
A comment by Marty Davison, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May 3, 2010
Road Soi 22 in Bangkok a CIA hang-out?
there was a bar in Washington Square there that was
a hang-out for American Legion China Post One members for many years. Its owner, who was once a partner of the real Col. Kurtz
in Laos, passed away a couple of years
I think you can still sample Cajun cuisine in the square.
something? They're all Dems.
message from Phil Hauser, Phoenix,
Arizona, April 21, 2011
you ever notice?
the American embassy and consulate employees, all the local expat informants on the paroll, all the guys in the bars at the
VFW and American Legion meetings - they're all Democrats.
the local American guys in the CIA, DEA, FBI and with the American cops in some way - they're Democrats.
remember only one Republican among them - he ran a small American restaurant upcountry.
He's a juicer
is Florimond De Loose?
A comment from a Belgian expatriate in Thailand, August 1, 2006:
I have read with great interest this website.
As a retired government official from
living on a pension now in Thailand, I
was particularly interested in comments about the Belgian pedophile ring. While there are some details about Guillaume
Vogeleer, owner of the old Airborne Legion Bar on Soi Post Office in Pattaya, there
are almost no remarks about Florimond De Loose, the Flemish Belgian from Antwerp who bought the bar from
Vogeleer's Thai widow in 1999 and renamed it De Ster and later again to De Star.
De Loose (his nickname is "Flor") is part-owner of an auto junkyard,
"Auto Afbraak Flor", in Wommelgem, a northern suburb of Antwerp.
For years De Loose, who is very fat and has a protruding beer
belly, caroused the bars and brothels of Antwerp, including the
lowest and most notorious dive in Antwerp's red
light district. I saw him in Antwerp in the company of off-duty Belgian policemen. I heard that they had some dealings together.
The bar in Pattaya, De Star, is managed by De Loose's
wife, Prayoon ("Tim") Sinchoo, an ex-prostitute from the city of Ubon Ratchathani in northeastern
Thailand, although she is absent most
of the time. De Loose met Prayoon in the late 1980s or early 1990s, on one of his binges in Pattaya, while Prayoon
worked as a bargirl on Soi Yamato, the first lane north of Soi Post Office. De Loose was desperate to get married
and, walking into the bar and seeing Prayoon, he immediately pulled out of his shirt pocket Baht 200,000 to 300,000 in
cash (Ed.: at the time about US$8,000 to US$12,000) and offered it to her on the spot if she married him.
De Loose visits Thailand
two or three times a year, usually during school holidays. He visits Pattaya and Phuket.
The bar, the De Star, is a hang-out for
prostitutes, pimps and pedophiles, mostly from Belgium.
Belgian cops on vacation frequent the bar too.
Name withheld upon request, Chonburi, Thailand, August 1, 2006.
De Loose in
See his website: http://www.delooseflor.be/
De Loose Flor BVBA Broekdam Noord 29
9150 Kruibeke
Aannemer - ruwbouwerken Verbouwingswerken Herstellingswerken Nieuwbouw
Sleutel op de deur
De Loose Flor bvba
Broekdam Noord 29
9150 Kruibeke
Tel.: 03/774.56.67
Fax.: 03/744.01.43
GSM: 0475/75.00.96
website: www.delooseflor.be
email: info@delooseflor.be
if he didn't come from Belgium?
messages from Jacques Maudoux and Jean Hervé in Belgium, June and July 2012:
I live
in Belgium and I would like to have more information about
"Jimmy the Belgian" and Florimond De Loose.
Do you have more information about them? Do you know at least the names of some of their friends?
The real name of "Jimmy the Belgian" was Guillaume Vogeleer, born in 1937. He came from
Les Marolles, a popular part of Brussels.
He was with the Belgian military but became a mercenary and was with the well-known Bob Denard,
first in the Congo with other Belgian
and French mercenaries. He took part in Operation Ommergang in the Congo.
He went to Thailand and had several "go-go" bars in Bangkok
and Pattaya.
I found his surname in relation
to a kidnapping of a Mr. Atsao (with Mitsui) several years ago.
He said he worked "from time to time" for the CIA. He was a friend of ------------------------------.
The attached picture of Vogeleer with two other persons from Soldier of Fortune
magazine was found on the Internet. One of them is --------------- . Who is the other person? This could
be important!
I can give you more information. I would like to send you pictures.
I searched for Vogeleer on the Internet and found your
link: https://bsltaocnke.tripod.com/
This is very interesting and disturbing. I would like to have more information about these criminal cases
as I realize nothing appeared in Belgian newspapers so far.
Of course, the allegations should be based on concrete evidence. Articles from your well-known website
would help.
(Webmaster: The following is a copy of an advertisement, with internet links, that was
attached to the above message. One link on the page leads to a brief excerpt of a video about Vogeleer.)
"Colonel Jimmy" - Portrait of a Belgian Mercenary
From his beautiful Bangkok villa, the chief
of the "volunteer forces" against guerrilla infiltration on the Laotian border relates his turbulent career with the Belgian
army during Congo independence and as a bodyguard of president Allende in Chili. We follow him in his latest battle against
Jimmy le Belge
La vie d'un mercenaire belge retiré
en Thaïlande.
Réalisation : Marc Hoogsteyns
Documentaire - Belgique - Durée
: 26 minutes - Betacam SP - Année de production : 1992
Version originale - Sous-titres
: français ou anglais
Synopsis :La vie d'un mercenaire
belge retiré en Thaïlande.
Equipe technique
Réalisation : Marc Hoogsteyns -
Image : Dany Elsen - Son : Ludo Poppe - Montage : Olivier Van Malderghem - Mixage : neant
Production(s) : Belgische Radio
en Televisie (BRTN) & CBA
Voir le film en entier (Professionnels
Suivre ce lien
Attention ! Ce lien vous amènera à une
page d'erreur si vous n'êtes pas identifiés ou si vous n'avez pas reçu l'autorisation de visionner les films par le WIP ou
le CBA. Merci de nous contacter pour obtenir cette autorisation.
Email message from Marco Salvatori of Chonburi, Thailand to the webmaster about the above message,
July 16, 2012
"Jimmy the Belgian". Guillaume Vogeleer?
Would you believe there are Internet forums about this guy?
One look at him and you knew you could never trust him.
was a lowly, dirty two-faced coward. A sneaky sexual deviant. He might have
conned a few priests, young adventurers and natives but almost all the people he hung out with in Thailand were pretty wierd.
Jail bait. Troublemakers.
is a notorious place. All sorts of foreigners on the lam. Social deviants and criminals of every kind. Child killers, hit-men,
traitors, deserters, war criminals, spies, homosexuals, pedophiles. You name it. But they live openly and freely. This is
gradually changing due to the influx of the Russian middle class that is drawn to the country's sandy beaches.
Vogeleer was born in Forest (Vorst), a municipality in Brussels,
in 1937. He lived in Les Marolles (De Marollen) in Brussels.
The Internet link (mentioned by Maudoux and Hervé in the message above) leads to a page that
includes a brief excerpt from a Belgian video about Vogeleer.
In the excerpt, Vogeleer is in a khaki uniform, seated behind
a desk, apparently in an office. He is loading a hand-gun and speaking French. He says he hates Communists. He claims
he is known to the enemy and thus must take precautions. The rest is unclear. Edited into the scene are clips of uniformed
soldiers of some Asian resistance group filing through the forest.
The producers want 20 Euros to let you see the whole thing.
"Put your money where your mouth is." Upload it on You Tube so we can see it.
Thailand was once full of alcoholic middle-age government pensioners
sitting around in bars, often drunk, and bawling out stories. There were always some who claimed to have worked with the CIA
or DEA or FBI and done all sorts of things. And there were lots of idiots who wanted to believe them. Their stories didn't
add up. No one could take them too seriously.
I'm willing to believe Vogeleer was with the Belgian army in
the Congo at the time of Operation Ommegang in 1964. Maybe he kicked around Africa and Latin America trying to be a mercenary.
But that's all. He was certainly not the "chief of a Laotian resistance army".
If Vogeleer was ever a bodyguard for a South American president,
somebody made a big mistake. What is the point of making such a claim? It should be easy to check it out.
Some claim that Vogeleer assassinated a South American president,
presumably the one he was supposed to guard. That's really dumb. If anything, it's probably an old Mexican police report.
The federales often bust kids and charge them with plotting the assassination of the president of Mexico. Their parents
have to pay to get them out of jail.
Some claim Vogeleer was a famous movie star's bodyguard. But
that is probably because her husband, a French businessman, dined out too much.
What Vogeleer might have been for a while, if anything, is a
guard on a hacienda. And he would have been just one of many.
On the webpage mentioned above, there appears to be what could
be a video box jacket. The writing on it is in English and French. It claims that Vogeleer was leading an anti-communist
resistance army on the Thai-Laotian border. The film
was released in 1992. At the time Vogeleer was in Pattaya.
If Vogeleer
ever entered a Laotian resistance camp, somebody really slipped up.
the past six or seven decades, many westerners - soldiers, doctors, nurses, teachers, journalists
- have lived with the Burmese, Cambodian or the Laotian resistance for extended periods. Everybody
wants to be like "Pop" Buell. To help the resistance and refugees, one has to have considerable modern military or medical
expertise and experience or access to supplies.
is highly unlikely that Vogeleer actually led a resistance army himself. It is unlikely too that he had anything to do with
its operations. In Laos, the resistance hunted Vietnamese
soldiers and civilians and killed them in raids and ambushes.
They didn't need any foreign advisors to do that. Resistance armies on
rare occasions took visiting C. I. A. agents and journalists with them on patrols. A few hours, perhaps a day or
so. Usually a one-time thing. On very rare occasions, journalists accompanied a resistance army for several
weeks. There were a few times when journalists accompanied a resistance army for many months, or up to half a year.
probably knew one or two people associated with a resistance group in some way and this was enough to allow him to bring visiting
Belgian photographers to a border camp. You can be sure that neither Vogeleer nor the video cameramen went beyond the camp.
Laotians should be able to confirm or deny the claims made about Vogeleer and give the facts.
might have been the model for the sinister character ”Dutch Mike” in one of the spy novels of Gérard de Villiers,
SAS - Croisade en Birmanie.
It is unlikely also that Vogeleer ever accompanied Thai gunmen from I. S. O. C.
who frequently summarily executed suspected Thai communists in Thailand.
Vogeleer did not own a go-go bar in Pattaya. He owned a tiny
bar. He opened it in 1992. It had a cook, a menu and served food. No girls. It doubled in size four years later and added
a small guesthouse. It never employed go-go dancers - or even bar girls. The patrons were never numerous.
Usually middle-age alcoholics and young punks without girls. After Vogeleer's death in 1999 his native wife sold the bar to
a Flemish Belgian from Antwerp, Florimond De Loose, or, actually, to De Loose's Thai wife, Prayoon ("Tim") Sinchoo, of Ubon
Ratchathani. After that, there were a few bar-girls in it.
De Loose was part of the Pattaya prostitution scene. He and
his wife trafficked Thai women and children to Belgium for pedophilia and prostitution. In that way, he became a local
hanger-on. As far as I know, he (his wife) no longer owns Vogeleer's old bar.
Some claim Vogeleer died from AIDS. That is unlikely. He ignored
doctors' warnings to stop drinking and eventually his liver failed. That was the story. You can check with the morgue at national
police headquarters at Pathumwan in Bangkok if you really want to know.
claim Vogeleer was one of the killers of dozens of people in supermarkets around Brussels in the 1980s. Wasn't Vogeleer
in Thailand then? Who can tell us? Some of the killers are known. It is believed that the killers were state policemen or
gunmen hired by the state police. The Gendarmerie Nationale/Rijkswacht often behaved like a criminal gang and many
Belgians wanted to abolish it. So gangs
of thugs wearing hoods and carrying machine-guns entered supermarkets, locked the doors, rounded up the employees and patrons
and executed them. This happened several times. The state police intended this terrorism as a warning of what it
could do. Eventually, however, in 2001, the state police was abolished.
Was Vogeleer involved in the kidnapping of
a Japanese businessman? That’s a new one. I never heard that before. Expatriates in Thailand often claimed he could
arrange a kidnapping or a murder. Ask the Japanese police.
All Belgian
credit cards accepted
the Johnny Rocco Resort and Spa
And go for a swim
Who are these kids Herve and Maudoux? What
do they want? Looking for a father? Really!
Luigi Di Cefalu, Pattaya,
August 20, 2012
Celebrity war
Meet the Joe who shot the president
more from Herve . . .
The video about "Jimmy" is on
_ _ _
Another information about his death ...
Dear Mr. Herve,
I received your email message.
It is not possible to access the video about Guillaume Vogeleer
by the link you provided.
Regarding Vogeleer's death, I suggest that you inquire at the morgue
at police headquarters in Bangkok. However, I am not sure that the morgue keeps records that far back. There should have been
a police report at the Pattaya Sub-District Police station on Beach Road One. But the record might not be there any more.
Police reports are retained for seven years only.
Check with the Belgian Embassy in Bangkok. However, after so many
years, the embassy might not have anything on file. Perhaps the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brussles has Bangkok embassy
L. B. Jr.
Re: "Colonel
Jimmy" = Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy the Belgian) - Airborne Legion Bar
July 26, 2013 3:55 AM
In the video, (you should try again ... it takes time ...) :
Showing pictures taken in Chili (day of the death of Allende, september
Showing a picture taken in Congo (in the 1960s) :
_ _ _
Other pictures (not from the video)
Guillaume Vogeleer / Patrick
Van Den Berghe
Dear Sir,
I would prefer my name being removed from your internet site.
I inform you that Guillaume Vogeleer has a "stepson" in Pattaya
: Patrick Van Den Berghe...
Here is a picture you can find on the internet :
It was recently published that Walter Capiau has been involved
in pedophile scandal.
Here is an article in Dutch :
Walter Capiau geeft pedofilieonderzoek toe
Also :
During his time with the army he made numerous acquaintances
and amongst those was Jim, his friend who eventually opened the Airborne Bar here in Pattaya.
It was Jim who sent a fax to Patrick in 1990 suggesting he come
over to Thailand and assist as a parachute instructor.
This means that Patrick Van den Berghe was invited in Thaïland
by Guillaume Vogeleer ("Jimmy le Belge", "Colonel Jimmy", etc) in 1990,
Why all the
Message from Bernard
Douglas, Santiago de Chile, October 1, 2013
Does this Belgian
guy, Herve, mean to say that Vogeleer killed the president of Chile?
The French and Belgian
barkeeps in Bangkok and Pattaya turned Vogeleer into a mythical character. They saw him as one of their own. Thus,
the stories that he was a right-wing assassin. That he was with the CIA.
There are two stories about
the death of the Chilean president, you know. The old story was
that the president was killed in a shoot-out with Chilean soldiers in a coup d'etat. The other story is that the president committed suicide rather
than be taken alive. There were several witnesses.
If Herve has photos of Vogeleer with the Chilean president's body guard or among the first Chilean soldiers to arrive at
the scene, or reliable statements from the
guards or soldiers present, he should show them.
Operation Scandal
Message from Mike
Gladeson, Saigon, October 1, 2013
Dear Mrs. Blackstone,
There was a scandal involving a parachute operation in Pattaya about
13 or 14 years ago. The office was on Soi Yodsak in North Pattaya. It was open a year or so before there were arrests
and a criminal case. One of the partners was murdered.
I'll send you more as soon as I can.
Video about Guillaume Vogeleer
He was a
nut case
Comment by email
from Henri Marti, Brussels, October 5, 2013
The Belgian, Jean Herve, uploaded on You Tube on September 13, 2013 the Guillaume Vogeleer video
he was talking about. It is on his You Tube site. Herve does not appear to have another You Tube site.
Here is the link:
It is a 28-minute video film released in 1992.
I must say I was disappointed. It shows a little working class Belgian
of 55 speaking French, sometimes with an Italian accent. He puts on a show for the cameras. But it's funny. He looks
like a nut. He wears a military uniform. He is in poor physical shape. He has lost his arm muscles
and has a roll around the middle.
In his small one-story house in the countryside (was it in Pattaya?), Vogeleer stresses his anti-communism.
He talks about the 1973 coup in Chile. He mentions the presidential bodyguard. He shows
photos of the president's office. He claims he took them himself from outside the building. He says that he was in the area
at the time of the coup and allowed by soldiers whom he knew outside the building to take photos of the building.
So what? The significance of all this is unclear.
He loads a handgun. He says it's to kill communists with. He claims he is a marked man, wanted dead
by the communists, so he must be armed. He says he knows this because his uncle went to Burma. But he says nothing more. Nothing
is clear. Who is he talking about?
He dons battle gear. He calls on old Laotian friends from the Lao Resistance in Thailand. But they
come out in casual wear. And he does not speak their native language.
Frankly, it is obvious. The guy's a nut.
He visits a Laotian Resistance camp on the Lao-Thai border, probably in northern or northeastern
Thailand. This too appears to be for show, arranged for the Belgian film team.
Throughout the film there are brief scenes of Laotian guerrillas standing and marching in formation
around the camp, probably to make the film interesting.
Vogeleer in an old khaki uniform, with a pot belly, addresses a formal meeting of Laotians in civilian
clothes in a large hall. A few young men are in khaki. A uniformed Thai policeman is present. Vogeleer speaks on behalf
of an organization he calls the Freedom Fighters. He promises support. He presents certificates. This was probably not a regular
function performed by Vogeleer but arranged on this occasion for the Belgian film team accompanying him.
The Laotian resistance unit concerned is the Ethnic Liberation Organization of Laos (ELOL). This
was one of several old Hmong resistance groups in Laos. It was funded by the CIA well after the American military pull-out
from Indo-China in 1975. There was continued CIA support of this group well into the 1990s. (In more recent years the
Laotian government bought off the US government, so the Hmong and other ethnics must keep a low profile.)
Vogeleer claims that he formed the first Karen commando unit. Is that really true? I never heard
that before. He shows a photo of himself with a large unit of Karen soldiers in uniform taken around 1982. It should be easy
to check out. There are many old Karen veterans around.
Perhaps it was a KNU unit fighting the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) on the Thai side of the
border. The Thai army asked the KNU do to that. The KNU agreed. But I don't think the KNU ever pressed very
hard against the CPT. If probably staged some limited attacks for show.
Here are Herve's comments accompanying his You Tube upload:
Published on Sep 13, 2013
Un reportage-interview
de Marc Hoogsteyns sur Guillaume Vogeleer ("colonel Jimmy", "Jimmy le Belge") en Thaïlande.
Né à Forest en 1937, Guillaume
Vogeleer a vécu dans les Marolles à Bruxelles.
Il y a tenu un bar (le "Pan-Pan") avec un proche du truand Havelange.
est entré dans l'armée (pour faire oublier son casier judiciaire ?) et a servi au 2e bataillon commando de Flawine avant de
s'engager au Congo.
Il a participé à l'opération Ommegang (Congo) et a été mercenaire avec Bob Denard.
On le
retrouve, ami des militaires, au Chili ... où il prend des photos lors du coup d'Etat contre Salvador Allende (il y a juste
40 ans).
Il arrive ensuite en Asie, au service de la DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) qu'il connaissait peut-être
déjà avant.
Il a tenu des bars en Thaïlande : à Bangkok puis à Pattaya.
Il reconnaissait lui-même qu'il travaillait
"de temps en temps" pour la CIA ... et sans doute aussi pour la police thaïlandaise. Il connaissait bien ------------ (CIA) et Jim Coyne ("photographe-journaliste" du magazine Soldier of Fortune). Un mercenaire
belge de ses amis était Charles Masy qui a tenu le bar "La Renaissance" à Bruxelles.
Guillaume Vogeleer semble avoir
été impliqué dans de nombreux trafics. Certains l'accusent même de pédophilie. Le chauffeur de Paul Vanden Boeynants, lui
aussi soupçonné de pédophilie, se rendait dans son bar en Thaïlande.
Guillaume Vogeleer est décédé dans un hôpital
militaire thaïlandais d'un abus d'alcool.
Un élément intéressant est qu'il connaissait bien le "commandant de gendarmerie
François", chargé de la lutte contre les trafics de drogue en Belgique (et probablement impliqué lui-même dans ces trafics)
ainsi que des gens du milieu belge comme "Bruno" Farcy et Jozef Vienne. Le gendarme François Raes en parle dans son livre
"Un gendarme don Quichotte". Le lieu de rendez-vous était le "Madrid bar" à Bangkok.
Ces truands étaient proches de
Patrick Haemers et du Service d'Action Civique (SAC) en Belgique (André Condemine, etc) ... en contact notamment avec un dénommé
Claude Nitelet fortement soupçonné dans les "Tueries du Brabant".
A noter que le chef du WNP, Paul Latinus, a déclaré
avoir été recruté par la DIA.
Guillaume Vogeleer a également fréquenté le "Superstar" (voir le livre "Reefer Men" de
Tony Thompson) et le "French Kiss" (où il avait des contacts avec des "Lyonnais").
Les informations à son sujet
devraient être transmises à
Il y a un fil de discussion à son sujet sur le forum suivant :
Les informations à son
sujet devraient être transmises
Herve says
numerous things that are incorrect.
For instance,
Vogeleer did not die in a military hospital in Thailand. He died in the back of a baht bus in Pattaya.
is an acronym for the U. S. Defense Intelligence Agency. Herve claims Vogeleer came to Thailand in the employ of the DIA. Herve
suggests that Vogeleer had already worked for the DIA. Countless journalists, photographers, foreign service personnel, medical
professionals and mercenaries claim to have worked for the CIA, DEA, DIA and FBI. Such claims must be checked out.
Vogeleer did NOT form the first Karen Commando Unit
Message from Herb
Christophe, London, U. K., October 12, 2014
In that video, Guillaume
Vogeleer claims that he formed the first Karen Commando unit.
That is bunk.
The first Karen Commandoes
were organized and trained by the British in WW2.
Ever heard of Hugh
Seagram? Orde Wingate? The Chindits? Force 136?
Follow me?
A mesaage from
Angelo DeVar, Bangkok, 11/29/13
I agree that Vogeleer
looks odd in the video.
Don't tell his Belgian
and French fans to do the same.
An Occidental running
around Thailand in an open jeep, dressed in combat uniform and wearing a holster with a loaded .45 will
be arrested and deported pretty quickly.
Asian resistance fighters
and foreign mercenaries are always dressed in civvies in Thailand. They don't run around with combat gear and exposed
loaded guns. (If they do, they're accompanied by Thai army intelligence officers.)
American sailors visiting Pattaya,
even when in uniform, are never armed. And the MPs carry only night sticks.
are the Freedom Fighters?
message from an old film-maker
In Southeast Asia there are numerous
groups of native inhabitants who are opposed to the existing regimes in their countries and have taken up arms against
them. They have formed small resistance armies. They train themselves. They also provide
medical care and equipment to the inhabitants in the areas in which they operate.
The Freedom
Fighters are one such organization. But they differ from the other groups in that they are financed by the CIA, often through
donations from front organizations like churches, usually Presbyterian, in the U. S.
The natives patrol the bush and do the fighting.
Their commanders, also natives, have experience in jungle guerrilla warfare. They go on long campaigns lasting many
months. Back in Thailand, the commanders are in contact with a local CIA agent, an American, who operates under
cover and receives funding from the front
organizations in the US.
The CIA agent himself accompanies the Freedom
only once on patrol in the field for a short time in order to prepare a report for CIA higher-ups. Other than that,
he handles funds sent to Thailand. He might be in contact with the American military attache's office.
Mercenaries, doctors and journalists who wish
to accompany the Freedom Fighters in the field must obtain permission from the CIA agent in Thailand. This is virtually
impossible, probably because the Freedom Fighters receive covert CIA funding.
Fortunately, there are other such organizations.
Lucca Casanova, Marseilles
more from Herve . . .
October 20, 2013
He [Guillaume Vogeleer]
also had contacts with the driver of a corrupt belgian politician (Paul Vanden Boeynants). This driver went regularly to Thaïland.
November 7, 2013
Vogeleer went to Soudan around
1968-1969, between Congo and Chili. I think he left Chili at the end of 1973, back in Europe then in Asia.
November 30, 2013
I sent an email to
Patrick Van Den Berghe but he refused to give me any information about Guillaume Vogeleer.
The following is a translation by Herve of extracts from a book in Dutch, Heart of Darkness
Revisited, by Marc Hoogsteyns, producer of the 1992 video about Guillaume Vogeleer
. . . In early 1990, I presented a scenario to a production firm in Brussels for
a documentary on the Belgian mercenary "Jimmy the Belgian". Guillaume Vogeleer lived in Thailand and spent half his life as
a mercenary. He began his career in 1960 in the Congo. There he served under other mercenaries like Bob Denard. Later, he
moved to Chile and, finally, in the mid- 1970s, he landed in Thailand
. . . In order to convince Jimmy to allow me to make a film about him I had to go
to the slums of Bangkok - into the world of pimps, whores, ex-mercenaries, Vietnam veterans and dozens of "born
losers". Some of them had fled European justice and hid in Thailand where they tried all kinds of shady deals to keep above
Jimmy got drunk to death every day in the French Kiss, a small French bar
on Soi Pat Pong (Lane), the red light district of Bangkok. After three weeks and perhaps hundreds of beers, he finally agreed
to let us follow him with a camera. He drove us to Udon Thani in northeastern Thailand where he had a wife, a child and a
house with a dog. (He also had the same in Bangkok.) We went there in his jeep. I do not remember much of the trip because
the night before I had drunk a lot with Jimmy. This did not seem to matter for him.
In Udon, he introduced us to his wife and his little boy. This was a short introduction
because Jimmy was thirsty and wanted a drink in town. On my account, of course! He parked his jeep in front of a big massage
parlor . . .
from Name withheld, November 2, 2013
In the video, Vogeleer introduces himself as "Colonel Jimmy". He
says his job is to aid the Lao Resistance against the communist Laotian government. He says this has been his job
for several years - and thus he has fought the communists for seveal years.
What he is saying is that he encourages mercenaries and
aid-donors to help the Lao Resistance.
Anybody with a connection or two can do that.
Hey, bum! Get
a job!
Message from Tim
Sullivan, Pattaya, October 9, 2013
How did Vogeleer support himself in the
20 years he lived in Thailand?
He wasn't living off a trust fund. If he was
too old and out of shape for the military, what did he do for money? Most small and privately-owned bars and
restauraunts in Pattaya barely break even. He probably made money on the side somehow.
How? Was he in on some racket? Was he one of the thousands of paid informants on the American Embassy payroll? I recall he
claimed to represent the Beglian Embassy in Pattaya. Was he paid for that?
He was
a shady character
Ya wouldn't wanna meet 'im
Message from W. J., San
Francisco, October 21, 2013
In the days when Belgians needed tourist visas
to visit the U. S., I don't think Vogeleer could have qualified for one.
Vogeleer might have had a Belgian army pension.
He might have collected regular welfare payments from the Belgian government.
Vogeleer might have lived off his wife,
a local. She procured women and children for prostitution. Her relatives did too.
There were claims, made by "people in the
know", that Vogeleer trafficked narcotics with ex-CIA men. That he stole gems. That he sub-contracted killings. That he sub-contracted kidnappings for ransom. All that after his merecenary days of the early 1980s.
Let’s get the real
dope on this!
A comment by Joe Redd, Bangkok, January 15, 2014
I see that this Belgian fellow, Herve, is really interested in Guillaume Vogeleer.
What does Herve know about the Brabant Supermarket killers?
Does he have any evidence that Vogeleer was involved in any way? Were friends or associates of Vogeleer involved? Since Herve
mentions the killings, he should provide some factual details.
What about the kidnapping of the Japanese businessman? What evidence is there, if any, that
Vogeleer was involved?
And what about Herve’s claim that Vogeleer’s was involved in the narcotics trade,
operating out of Pat Pong in Bangkok, with CIA men?
Give us facts! Facts that check out!
he's got something
A message
from Jean Hervé, Belgium, January 16, 2014
Guillaume Vogeleer was
the contact person (at "Madrid bar" in Bangkok) for drug traffics with corrupt Belgian policemen (including Robert Beijer
at that time) and with Belgian thieves (Farcy, etc).
This is e.g. noted in
the following book:
« Un gendarme don Quichotte
- Quand un membre de la BSR enquête au Bureau national de la drogue » de François Raes, éditions EPO, Berchem, traduit du
néerlandais,1983, 150 pp.
MLA 05798
livre: Sujets ESSAIS
- Drogue / Belgique


Soir Bruxelles
13 mars 1990
réplique à VDB
des plaintes entre l'ancien Premier ministre Paul Vanden Boeynants et le gendarme à la retraite François Raes, qui fut témoin
devant la commission d'enquête «bandistisme». Raes a assigné à son tour VDB pour outrage à témoin...
auteur en son temps d'un livre qui fit quelque bruit («Un gendarme Don Quichotte, chez EPO) avait notamment déclaré devant
les parlementaires que VDB était impliqué dans un trafic de drogue cachée dans de la viande et qu'il avait étouffé plusieurs
affaires . . .
Stories about Vogeleer's war-time activities resurfacing . . .
The Fourth Reich . . .
More from Jean Hervé, Belgium, November
30, 2013
you ever heard of Richard Jerome Slott? (Ed.: This surname could be Scott.)
You should read Patrice Chairoff:
Barbouzes des services de sécurité de l'OTAN
Jerome Slott – b. Ind. 12/18/30; Un. Notre Dame; BA 58; US Army 52-54 overseas; PRIV EXPER writer publ co 45- 58; STATE
dept R-8 3158,0-8 7158; intell resch spec 10/58; Panama cons and pol off 4/60, 0-72/61. Valencia cons off (Gen) 10/62. Vancouver
visa off 1/65, 0-6 5/65,0-5 4/67, FSO gen 7/67. Dept int rel off 7/68, pol-mil aff off 5/70.Bangkok 7/71. Lang. Span. (w –
Dorothy Shefano).
delle Chiaie and Richard Jerome Slott knew each other.
the end of 1983 or beginning of 1984, there was a meeting in Patpong (Bangkok) between
Vogeleer Stefano delle Chiaie Richard Jerome Slott (CIA)
can see Stefano delle Chiaie in the second half of the following video :
(Ed.: This video is Aptes au Services - le recrues fascistes et nazi de la CIA and
can be viewed on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUv-uoR_7lM The video runs 51:38. The
Italian fascist Stefano Delle Chiaie starts at the 16:17 mark. Della Chaie recounts his work for the CIA and the fugitive war
criminal Klaus Barbie in Bolivia.)
other Belgians involved in the same terror groups and living now in Bangkok (as far as I know) are
Van de Weghe
you know should be sent to the Belgian police : http://www.killersbrabant.be/ via " CONTACT "
Bangkok Post
writer on the story was an old friend of Vogeleer's widow
email message from Thomas Fullman, Bangkok, March 15, 2016
Would anyone know anything about a
Thai journalist, Supradit Kanwanich, who worked for the Bangkok Post weekly features section Perspective back
in 2000?
Supradit was assigned
by the editor of Perspective, Songpol Kaopatumtip, to write about the Thai child who was trafficked to Belgium
in 1995.
Supradit received copies
of documents about the case.
But Supradit never wrote about it.
Supradit was a personal
acquaintance of the widow of Guillaume Vogeleer. He appeared to be in cahoots
with the pedophile and prostitution ring that trafficked the child to Belgium.
The Perspective section editor, Songpol, refused to reassign the story. The
editor-in-chief, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, refused to respond to complaints
and inquiries about it. The
publisher refused to consider the matter.
If you have details please send them.
A message from Pierre
L., Quebec-Ville, September 13, 2016
I heard about this in
In late December 2000,
the Bangkok Post journo Supradit Kanwanich claimed he was going to Pattaya to look into the matter. He was interested
in getting together with Vogeleer’s widow and her sisters. He called them old friends. He wanted to know where their
bars were. He wanted to know also which temple in South Pattaya kept Vogeleer’s ashes in an urn.
After that, Kanwanich
became obnoxious. In early 2001, he claimed he had completed an article but nobody ever saw it. He surprised everyone by expressing
support for the traffickers. He
said he “felt sorry” for the mule, the Belgian fraudster who had claimed legal parentage in order to traffic the
What of the
A Comment from Ian McEachern, Chiang Mai, September 19,
I have read with great interest the above article by Mr. Blackstone
and the numerous comments from readers posted below it.
The trafficking and procurement of a young child to prostitutes,
homesexuals and pedophiles is a horrifying thing.
What happened to the child that American embassy officials in Bangkok
conspired to traffic and procure to a pedophile ring?
Is the child is still alive?
Ian McEachern, Chiang Mai
Was the CIA directly involved in trafficking the child to Belgium
or in covering up the crime?
A comment by John Redding, February 2, 2006
Was the Thai child in Thailand trafficked to pedophiles in Belgium by the Central Intelligence Agency (C. I.
A.)? In other words, are Christopher Richard , Thomas Patrick Furey and Ralph Leo Boyce C. I. A. operatives in the State
Did the C. I. A., through operatives in the State Department, also try to cover up the matter? Indeed, at least
one State Department employee, _. Terjesen, and others tried to cover up the crime in subsequent years. Were they, too, C.
I. A. operatives?
The U. S. Senate should look into this matter.
John Martinson Redding
Washington, D. C.
A Comment from Jeffrey Blithe of Toronto, Canada, April
24, 2006:
In a comment to this website on February 2, 2006 John
Martinson Redding asked what happened to the child - the victim of traffickers in children and procurers
of children to pedophiles.
I too would like to know what happened to the child. Is he still
alive? I would like to know what happened to the child's traffickers. Have any of them been brought to justice?
Ralph Lee Boyce, jr. is still American ambassador to Thailand. How can that be when his guilt is clear?
Jeffrey Blithe
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Is the child alive?
A comment by Georg De Hoof, Antwerp, October 1, 2006:
The child's relatives in Thailand know nothing about the
child. Their most recent information is more than two years old. Thais in Belgium claim to know nothing about the
child. There have been various disturbing reports about the child that the family has not been able to confirm.
There is a strong chance that the child is dead and,
also, that he has been dead for some time. The child could have been permanently crippled. The Belgian and Thai officials
contacted by the family, and friends on the family's behalf, have refused to answer inquiries into the child's fate and requests
for help in their search. Surprisingly, hospitals in Belgium refused to answer inquiries.
Is this the child?
A comment from J. Raznizski, New York, October 16, 2006:
Browsing the internet for more about this topic, I found
a website, "Cardinal Daneels, Condoms, and Double Effect", by Catholic Moderator, with letters by Georg De Hoof about
a Thai child that was trafficked to Belgium. The letters, three in all, were addressed to Catholic Church leaders in
Belgium, namely, the Archbishop of Belgium, Gottfried Cardinal Danneels; the Bishop of Antwerp, Paul van den Bergh; and the
Bishop's secretary, Jan van Dooren. The letters are three years old; they were written in October 2003.
These letters seem to concern a Thai child referred
to by Mr. De Hoof in his comment on October 1 who was trafficked to Belgium by a pedophile
and prostitution ring in Antwerp and Pattaya.
The letters raised the possibility of excommunicating
the prosecuting attorney for Antwerp, at the time Werner Van Walle, for immoral behavior, or, more specifically,
refusing to give the case due and proper consideration.
I wouldl like to
know how the Bishop and Archbishop responded.
The website address:
Ever heard of George Soros?
A message from David Stern, New York, June 12, 2012
There were many booklets about this pedophile case prepared for the authorities. There was a booklet every year,
beginning in 1995. Each booklet contained 100 to 200 or more typewritten pages describing the case in detail. The booklets
were revised every year.
The booklets identified the pedophile and prostitution rings, the criminal gangs and complicit government and non-governmental
officials in Belgium, Thailand
and the United States.
The most recent booklet includes correspondence from experienced experts on the Internet. They consider evidence
that (name of Internet web-hosting company) is a “mythical” company that exists on paper
only and is used as a front by international pedophile and prostitution rings to traffic in humans and includes State
Department, FBI, and CIA personnel.
The booklet includes reprinted articles about the company’s parent, (name of parent company), in (name
of country) and its possible ties to organized crime in Thailand, including Indian and Nigerian mafias.
The first two booklets were sent to numerous government officials and non-governmental officials
(NGOs) in several countries, including an American senator who later claimed never to have received them.
Copies of the first two booklets were sent to the headquarters
of Human Rights Watch Asia (HRW) (incorrectly reported earlier as Amnesty International) in New York City. A short time later, the organization’s secretary, Sidney Jones, recalled
receiving the booklets but claimed she could not recall what she did with them.
Not long afterward, Jones quit her job with HRW. She turned up in Brussels.
She took a job with another NGO, International Crisis Group (ICG), which is headquartered in Brussels.
Why would someone from HRW go to ICG? At the time, ICG had a notorious reputation for its employment of people
with close links to oppressive regimes with abominable human rights records.
ICG, by the way, is an organization that was long associated with György Schwartz (George Soros), a Hungarian
Jew who went to England and the U. S. after WW2 and became a multi-billionaire.
A while later, the press reported that Jones had been expelled from Indonesia.
She claimed to be an expert on terrorism. She claimed her specialty was reporting on Muslim terrorism. And particularly on
Muslim terrorism in Southeast Asia.
That was indeed news. Not anywhere in Jones’s past had there been any hint that she was an expert on terrorism.
Perhaps she read reports of human rights violations sent to HRW. But what could she possibly know about terrorism?
It must be recalled that in the wake of 9/11 dozens of the most unlikely people here and there claimed to be experts
on terrorism, especially Muslim terrorism, and were written up by the press as such and quoted at length on the subject.
Reading the newspapers one day, we discovered that an expatriate who had lived and worked as a photographer in northern
Thailand for years was an expert
on Arab Muslim terrorism. We read his quotes on the matter too. Was he another phony claiming to be an expert on terrorism?
Was his photography work a cover? Just who did he work for? Who wrote him up?
But Sidney Jones was the biggest surprise of all. Who would have thought this frail little old woman with spectacles
sitting at a desk in a New York City office for years would
be an expert on Islam and terrorism?
Initially, Jones was dismissed as a kook.
Some thought she was the daughter of a big mafiosi or some rich industrialist who set her up and paved the way
for her.
Some thought she might be a girlfriend of Soros and he had given her a cover job for
travel to exotic places.
Some suspected she was a MOSAD agent. But how could that be? She was never trained in counter-terrorism. Just
what could she do for MOSAD?
Today, she is back in Indonesia and reporting openly to ICG and
the press about terrorist groups in Indonesia.
But she says nothing that the public does not know already. She looks rather useless. She's not fooling anyone.
Could it be that Jones kept the two booklets sent to Human Rights Watch and sold them to someone in Brussels who got her the job with ICG?
But why claim to be an expert on terrorism? Why claim to be an expert on Islamist terrorists?
Grannie should hear
King of the Belgians, Archbishop
Gottfried Danneels, Michel Nihoul, Marc Dutroux . . .
It's really on a grand scale: